Wednesday, October 3, 2018

T Minus 5 . . .

This letter was crafted to help prepare you all for the spiritual bomb that’s about to drop this weekend. Are you ready? Freddy!? [From the Indies to the Andies in his Undies!!] Mostly, I decided to copy and paste a lot of spiritual things I reported to other people. So, if it doesn't make sense... use your imagination.

I spent the week working on my prayers, trying to actually picture God near me, listening. It was really cool and helped me feel more loved and closer to my Heavenly Father. It's fun to watch the fruits and blessings of this labor slowly start sneaking in.😁

We had a pretty normal week. We spent much of it trying to contact many of the people we've started teaching recently. While the list is long, the number of days between teaching appointments is also long, and not something I necessarily like. But we know we are here to be tried in all things, so if that means holding many precious souls and not being able to talk to them, so be it. Upon reflection, I imagine this is what our Heavenly Father must feel like quite often! "Just talk to me!" ... Interesting that this all happened during my week of bettering prayers.

Also, studies were good! I was reading in Jesus the Christ and learned all about the temptations of Christ. I always thought "How were these temptations even tempting? After 40 days of not eating, you can wait 40 min for some free food to be handed to you. Also, why would you want to jump? That's dumb. Also, he just spent 40 days fasting and praying with God. WHAT WAS the adversary THINKING!?!? Silly the adversary."
But... James E. Talmage was all like "... oh honey." *reality slap* And I wuz like "oooooOOOOOOOOOooooooo........h. I get it."
But the first temptation was all about doubt and faith: did He really believe He was the Son of God? Try changing these rocks to make sure. But nope. He knew. And if He didn't know, He had Faith.
2nd temptation was all about using this power from God in a way that would help the Jews recognize that He was their Messiah. But nope. God does His own thing in His own time. (Jacob 7: ... like, 12 *page flipping* 14. Verse 14. Final answer.)
3rd temptation was... "diabolical." There's a good chance Christ didn't remember the premortal council and His key and pivotal role played. There's also a good chance that the adversary, thrust down to earth without a body, may have remembered that. So for him to go to the predetermined savior and redeemer and demand to be worshiped... is wrong! But again, nope. Christ overcomes. And one of the coolest parts is that if these temptations weren't actually temptations, Christ couldn't've been tempted and thus wouldn't have a choice and thus wouldn't have free agency. So we know it was not easy. But He still did it. Wow.
There was also good learning about sandal straps and hairy men and the phrase "son of Man" used only by Jesus Christ which refers only TO Jesus Christ. But. You can go enjoy that yourself.

And there it was. The most spiritual I'll ever be. It's all down-hill from here. Let's start that decent with pictures.

When we biked 9-ish miles through downtown Orlando. Ugh.

Us, biking away from the car dealership. We had to give them our car on our heaviest prosylitizing day. :'(

Also on the 9 mile bike ride. All of the power boxes are painted. I thought of Noelle on this one.


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