Monday, September 24, 2018

...THAT trail that we blaze!

[References this scene from Road to El Dorado.] 

Don't worry mom, I was not the one with the machete!! I was Tulio. Hm... I don't know if that makes it better... This week was long only because a lot of interesting things happened:

> We went on exchanges! I watched my STL receive inspiration that we should go get Slurpees (I know! Why doesn't inspiration work that way for me!?) Then the lady behind the counter asked about the church. Wut??! Wait but really, I want that kind of inspiration! Mine always says something like "Quit complaining and bike faster." (Kung-Fu Panda 2 style: "Wait, can you not want to see me get killed?" "You're fine." *walks away*)

> We bailed water out of our spare-tire well. Frankly, I don't know how we even found that one. But it was sssSoppin'! See picture.

> We removed the Amazon from a member's backyard. No but really! It was bad. She had said something like "I need help cutting my in the backyard" and I heard and thus thought she meant cutting her lawn and so we were like "yeah sure we'll help!" How bad could it be? I've forgotten to mow apartment lawns for, like, 2 weeks before. (Don't look Grandpa!) I know how to use a lawn mower on tall grass! And she was like "Oh good! Let me go get the machete!" And then we were like, "... :]))) the what?" She took us out to where a backyard should have been. And we almost cried. But. I lived. And in the end, I learned a lot of useful things, like how to use weed whacker, how to use a lawn mower like a weed whacker, and how to use a broken sprinkler pipe like a rake.😀 What even is missionary work?

But I learned a lot about working hard this week, even when you don't want to or feel too tired. Odd how if you can just start, you always seem to find enough energy to keep going just a little bit more, then somehow finish with a little extra energy. Like, enough energy to bike home. That was probably the biggest miracle this week. Or the fact that we finally met with a "new investigator" after 6 weeks of not seeing him. And he literally said about halfway through the lesson, "Wow, I could be a Mormon!" He has all the same beliefs and has been living the Word of Wisdom without even knowing about it! It's been a long hard fight with addictions and I'm really grateful not to have to fight it in his case. But, he's just super busy. I:"

The good thing about Florida is that the sun is hot! We used it to dry out our car.

Hna Robbins bailing. It took a deceptively long time. :(

So when I said I learned how to do things even when I don't wanna, this is really what I meant. It rivals sugar ants in evilness. It's the bike I rode on exchanges. I love the sister who owns it, but jeepers mister: this bike is a sin. A wicked tradition of our fathers, one might say.

The battle of 5 hours. I think it actually only took us 4, but only because the member, Merlin, is a work horse! And he knows how to use a machete.  In the one with the rake, you can see a little of the foliage in the background. It was thick!

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