Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Just keep Swimming!

It went from super cold to super humid. Like, you could see the water particles in the air, but it wasn't raining. Wow. So wet. Broke all rules. ;)

This week was an emotional train wreck. We got confirmation that we're shutting down the area, and Hna Robinson is pretty scared of the future. We've been talking through fears and doubts, and while it's been really good, it's been pretty time consuming. I... don't even know anymore.
But we had a day where we just had to stop and pray. As soon as our heads went down, we both got hit HARD by the spirit. We got a lot of peace and hope, and I felt a little bit of closure as I've been fighting all the doubts and misconceptions that come at the end (blessings of seeing all your companions die: you get some tips.)

I think the Highlight of the week was when the elders had a baptism. Dari has been investigating the church for almost a year now, and while she knew it was true and wanted to get baptized about 7 months ago, she was waiting on circumstances. That means that ALL the previous Hermanas could come back/skype in. We got to see Hna Wade, Hna Perry, and Elder Jensen! I got to help by playing the piano and by pulling a musical number out of my sleeve at the last moment. It's always super refreshing to go to a baptism! You feel the spirit so strong! I love seeing the hope and joy on their face as they come out! The Gospel blesses lives!! It will bless your life too, I can testify of that. But, there really isn't much more than that. I'll do better next week. ;D     <--Slow wink.
Go see the Other Hna Baer's email. It'll be better. I can also testify of that.

Only one picture! And I'm not even in it!

Miss ya'll. See ya soon. Church is true.
Hna Baer

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