Monday, December 4, 2017


Elder Jörg Klebingat
Wow! The Lord loves me. He sent me one of my favorite members of the Seventy, right to my Zone Conference. And, as President Monson once put it, "Tears could not be restrained, nor should they have been. Such tears produce a certain cleansing of the soul." We ended an amazing conference with “I Believe in Christ,” and I could only sing about one line before I couldn't speak anymore.

It was really amazing to be so close to someone so spiritually strong and to be the recipient of his wisdom and knowledge. He didn't just say 'You should baptize more people.' He said 'You should be the kind of person that could have the spirit work through you to touch others in a critical moment to not only save their life, but the future lives of your family.' He treated us not as harvesters in the field, but as a gathered group of volunteers who've sacrificed precious years to do what God had asked.

I can't begin to say how grateful I am, so instead I'll leave you one or two of his thoughts. "You have been asked to do it, so you can't just choose not to do it." I learned a lot about obedience from him, another being "Obedience is freely given." Are you freely giving it? "The greater your faith in God, the less you will worry. The only thing you have to worry about is sin. And you've got a choice over that." I love that. All you have to fear is sin. And nothing more. Nothing.

Sorry it's so short and poorly written, but I gotta run. I love you all and I hope you realize just how close God is to you. It's Close. Rul close.

Ciao ciao all!



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