Monday, December 18, 2017

Who're you calling Old! ...Ok, I'm old*

Oh King Boomy*. He's still fantastic.  *references this scene from Avatar, the Last Airbender

The subject line applies to sister Bond, and if you change the word Old to Fat, it applies to me too!!
Because it was Sis Bonds last week, we got offers for food from Everyone and their dog!! Yesterday we literally ran from appointment to appointment. We had 2 lunches and a dinner in a 5 hour period. And these are not just mere lunches or snacking, these are Hispanic heaping piles. Let's just say, ..... ouch. My poor bod.

Our wonderful friend "Debbie" who's fiance got kicked out was baptised yesterday! We're so proud of her! I'm so excited for the many blessings she'll see in her life now that she's got the gospel!! We've already had some miracles as she's got an oak tree of faith in God. (an oak tree comes right after a pine log and right before a weeping willow on the metric scale of measurement.)

We also had a slight moment of missionary failure as one of us left the phone in the car, and the other one locked the keys (whoever was in charge of driving.... I dunno who that poor sap is) in the trunk. Heh heh heh........ oops!😅 Missionaries are supposed to head home at 9:00, 9:30 if a lesson is going really well. At 10:00, we finally figured out how to call Elder Gould, the mission office person in charge of cars and their problems. The members we were with spent a full hour trying to break into our car with a hanger, but finally, Elder Gould and his wife showed up at 11:00 with a spare key and some cookies. Wow! I'm impressed on so many levels!

Gotta run, but I'll see y'all next week! If any shocking news comes in, I'll try to let you know, picture style. But.... maybe not. Things are pretty out of control right now. Wow. How fun!

Ciao ciao all!



Second lunch. Oof

Blurry photographic evidence

Heh heh. I'm sending this to Sis. Bond in a week!

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