Monday, November 27, 2017

Food, fiestas, y more food

Remember the mayor in Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs? That's how I felt this week. We had at least 4 Thanksgiving dinners (though not all were on Thanksgiving, thank goodness!) and were invited to at least 2 more. Oh the blessed people of Florida! I'm grateful for a place where I'm so well fed and cared for.

It was Elder Rocha's birthday. We spent the last month hand-making a piñata for him. Turns out he'd never seen/heard of a piñata before, so we had to explain it to him. But it's ok, because we dumped 2 bottles of glitter in there! Glitter: the gift that keeps on giving! I'm going to let the pictures do most of the talking here.

This week I had my first Jehovah's Witness encounter. We went to see Milagro kinda spur of the moment and her friend was over. WAIT I HAVE TO TELL YOU!!!!!!! Pause story!

New story: Once upon a time I was standing in the hall at the church, something missionaries get very good at doing. Sis. Bond was talking to a new member, who we'll call Sheryl. Sheryl's friend was standing there a little awkward I attempted to talk to her. After a few tries, we switched to English where she told me her sister was recently serving a mission in the Czech-slovak mission. I told her I had this friend who just returned, named Elder Swink. She texts her sister and 5 min. later, we're both blown out of our little minds when the sister says, "I know Elder Swink; red hair, right?" BOOM! My neighbor's brother's mission friend's sister was standing in front of me. Wut. And that is why Matthew Swink got called to Czech Republic. End story.

Continuing with previous story: Milagro's friend was over, and she was asking us about the gift of tongues, why we celebrate birthdays, and if God's name was Jehovah. Worried about Milagro (who wasn't really buying into this whole J.W. thing, but was definitely not ignoring it), we share a video with Thomas S. Monson and say something like "We don't know. We'll write down your questions and study them. *Insert guffaw that could easily be mistaken for a laugh of triumph from JW friend* But it's late and we have to be going. Can we leave with a prayer?" Prayer happens, and it's a pretty good one. I knew before looking that Milagro felt the peace and good. Looking up, I saw that she was smiling contentedly. What I didn't expect to see was our JW friend weeping; El Espíritu Santo touched the rest of us, but He dropped a train on her, Edgar! Milagro made some comment on the Holy Ghost and I had to do my best not high-five her. But I walked out of what could've been a strange, spiritless meeting trying hard not to smirk. And I'm not saying I did anything to help. Like in Alma 26:11-12: But Ammon said unto him: I do not boast in my own strength, nor in my own wisdom; but behold, my joy is full, yea, my heart is brim with joy, and I will rejoice in my God. Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever


Yep. That was my week. Pretty good. I hope y'all enjoyed Thanksgiving, and it sounds like school is still going on. Best of luck with that...

Pues, Ciao!

Thanksgiving with English Class! We've never had such a great turnout!

The rest of them: Next time, 3 bottles of glitter!

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