Tuesday, January 2, 2018

What the Gladsome Tidings?!

25 December 2017 

Murry Chursmus! You did it. You made it through the crazy holiday season. I guess, not really. There's still new years. So... I guess not... this is awkward... :/

But Christmas! You got it all wrapped and presents under the tree and stocking filled and everything!! I'm so pa-roood!

We started out the week with transfers. Same area but a new companion. I'm now with Hermana Wade: 6 foot 2 with bright red hair. She's been out only one transfer more than I have, so we've had a couple moments of shaky Spanish, but... the Lord's got it. But she's great! She loves being a missionary and is super loving the area. I hope she's here for a long time! I think the members will really love her. :)

How to describe this week: Um... Phenomenal? We had a baptism on Saturday, a super cute and spiritually strong Peruvian couple. He's been searching for God for years, and in our first lesson (in which we said about 10 words) he told us that something about this church just feels right, that we've got something other churches don't. Already God was preparing him. But we planned out everything carefully for the baptism, so I was surprised when everything seemed to fail and fall through. I did my very best (in prep, on the piano, with technology, in Spanish, behind the scenes in the font, and with the food afterwards) but I just felt like I wasn't good enough. In the last prayer, I had a secret prayer of my own where I just begged God to accept my failure of a baptism, just asking for it to be enough for this couple. In that moment, He shared with me a lot about Grace. It was a really cool moment for me, and in the end, it was enough. The wonderful couple had so much joy! Mmm, God is good, and not just to me.

 I hope Christmas is going/ went well, and I hope you have a simply Marvelous New Year!

Picture time!

Florida's version of a white Christmas

Someone's mom got a little excited with wrapping paper.

Sis Robbins and I played (sang? performed? shared?) a musical number at the Christmas devo this week. Let's just say, she did really good, and His grace is sufficient.

I'm grateful I could hold the door open to God in their life. I really did nothing to help them; they practically jumped into the font! I just handed them a pamphlet on their way down.

Man, I miss the snow

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