Monday, January 8, 2018

Back in Black

Here's a picture to sum this week:

Also this one:

It was cold. Yes, yes, laugh it up fuzzball! I realize you could take my temperature and divide it by 4.5 and it still wouldn't quite be yours.

But, you could also take my humidity and divide it by 9000 and it would still be more than yours! ,':]

Uuuuuummmmmm..... things happened? But only sometimes?? We had a day or two where all of our scheduled plans fell through, but then God was like "Here have this super prepared family. They even speak a dialect of Spanish you can understand." So that was pretty cool. Except we didn't ever catch the name of the family. And then they fell off the face of the earth. So don't tell, but we lost God's elect. 😁

One of our investigators (we'll call her Carol) recently lost their dad. Mom is visiting, but dad was still in Venezuela, so it must've been sudden. We took her flowers, chocolate, and a note, but haven't seen her since. We hope she can find solace in the Book of Mormon. I can't help but feel like this is the final straw between her and joining the church though. If she can look to God and draw close to Him by reading and praying, she'll feel His love and know for herself that the BoM is true. Or she will collapse on the inside and we won't keep visiting her. I hope she's ok.

Our other investigator's (we'll call her Sharol) brother is currently in the hospital with a brain tumor. She said she'd read the Book of Mormon while sitting with him. Again, if she can feel of God's love in this hard time, she's going to pull through and be fine. We know this family will come to the gospel, as they're just so great, but when... We don't know. We're just hoping she's reading.

Everyone else in Florida is sick due to the cold. We've had so many cute Spanish ladies, barely visible through a mostly closed door, explain in detail how cold it is outside and how they couldn't possibly talk any longer and how sick they are and how sick all their friends are and how we must be positively freezing and oh how cold it is. Then they repeat themselves at least once or twice more then close the door, letting us run back to our car. Cute! Also, So grateful for a car. BLESSINGS!!

That's about all that happened this week. So... see you next week?

Same Bat-time,
Same Bat-channel.

P.S. This is a dessert called Plátanos. And oh! It's so good! It's just sliced and fried plantains. They were served at Zone Conference, and all the Hermanas had doubles because the English missionaries didn't realize what they're missing put on. Silly English missionaries!

Other photo: brigaderos. Sweet and condensed milk mixed with chocolate and butter. |:》

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