Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Leg Prisons*

This week, I wore pants*. And not even just once. 3 days in a row. It was weird. It felt like one big, eternal wedgie. I miss home and all, but I don't actually miss the part where it's socially expected to wear pants. I bet you all are dying to ask me "Sister Baer, (at which point I'd correct you, pointing out the whole Hermana thing; you'd probably then say in a slightly less patient and caring tone "Hermana Baer," at which point I'd correct you and tell you the H is silent, at which point you'd probably just walk away;) what is a sister (/Hermana) of your stellar caliber doing wearing pants?" Here I say "The Lord is good." We ran out of Miles this week. Twice. Do you know what that means--BIKES!!! IT MEANS BIKES!!! Wow! Such fun! So joy! I have been waiting since day 2 of the MTC to ride my bike. We got to go 2 whole miles to knock some doors! Wheeee! I was so sore the next day! How embarrassing!! 😄 Mostly I just don't ever want to drive the car again! And I want a slightly thicker toothpick for a seat. But New Years Eve, we parked the car with 2.4 allotted miles left in the month, 15 left in the gas tank, and -30 minutes to get home on time. Oops. Oh well. Maybe the mission office will start realizing how terrible of a driver I am and release me from the burning confines of designated driver. /:"

 Um... ever since Sis. Bond went home, we haven't taken at least 2 selfies a day, so... I don't really remember what else happened this week...

> Christmas was food! (I tried to type good, but I missed and food just kinda happened. Thinking back, Christmas really was food. So I'm leaving it.)

> We accidentally stayed out until ... a really late hour caroling with the Relief Society. We had to get a member ride (‘cuz we ran out of Miles -- see above) and it was the same member who we were stuck with when we locked our keys and phone in the car. I'm going to keep this part a little vague in case President Clark finds and reads my blog. :) So... Sh!

 > Sis. Wade had a baptism in her old area, so we went on a road trip. Downtown Orlando is pretty cool! I took some really terrible pictures of it, which I will now share with you. Almost every Hermana in the mission was there. We were only missing Hermanas Kent and Robbins. I didn't want them to feel left out, so I drew them in.

Ok, I'm tired of typing/texting. You can make up your own great story and pretend like it happened to me. At this point, it probably either will or has happened.


I've decided to call our bike rack Jerry. Because it's rigged. If you look really hard, you might see the prayers and angels holding it on.

Cool story: I took this picture by my self. Look Mom, No Hands!!

Caroling 5 days after Christmas at a super late hour.

Bad pictures of D-T Orlando. You're welcome.

Hermanas at the baptism.

Hermana-land (you can't even tell Hna. Kent y Robbins WEREN'T there. Bob Ross would be proud)

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