Monday, March 26, 2018

I’ll go inside someday

I love to see the temple. And we're going on a temple trip on Friday. I'm super excited!!! We've even already seen miracles as the session starts at 7am, which means we leave here at 5am. And we had to find a member ride. We thought we were toast, but them, Jasmine, a returned missionary, was willing to take us. #blessingsofgoingonamission I'm so grateful and excited I can't see straight!!

Also, Roger FINALLY got confirmed!! He's no longer dead with a cold!! We're so proud, and he's so happy, and because it happened within 30 days of the baptism, we didn't have to rebaptize him! Blessings for a lot of prayers. Church is true.

But also this week, we had to put off another lesson with Pamela because she was still sick. But, silver lining here, I'm learning so much patience.

Also, exchanges: I went up to Satellite Beach, and I got to drive :) My favorite. But we did get to see a lot of miracles, such as meeting with someone they haven't seen in months. That was cool.

That was about it... But I did read an inspiring talk by the One and Only Jörg Klebingat called "Approaching the Throne of God with Confidence." I recommend it to all of you! Be confident!

I have no photos this week. The only one I have is of my hand-made rice bag (because: gluten free) for Hermana Andrus. It's... Well, it worked. And I'm proud.

 ...ok, I dug up one more: ZTM. We all gathered and were edified as a zone. ...yep.

Monday, March 19, 2018


There's a quote from Ratatouille here, but I can't remember the exact line. Oh well.

Let's start out with this picture.

This is us. Walking home from our car. Inside our car safely resides our keys. We're so safe! No one is going to steal our car now! Hah!


Here's one of my favorite photos.

Let's just say, what a day. We were on bikes the next day so Woot!! I love my bike!! We forgot to take a bike selfie though, so... too bad.

But as it is Hna Andrus' last transfer I Am now back in the driver's seat. At least, I should've been. I lost the card that allows me to drive a mission vehicle. But it's ok! Cuz God is a God of miracles. Also, Ask and ye shall receive. He sent it back to me.

We found it 2 weeks later. It made me realize how hard life on the streets is like without the Holy Ghost. Poor card. Poor all those people who are living on the streets without the Holy Ghost and don't even know what they're missing.

Another highlight of this week was seeing duckies. Here they are.

I always think of the Ugly Duckling story when I see ducks. Its a good reminder that we're all children of God and even though we sometimes don't fit in or feel ugly, we have a great potential ahead of us. Just keep chugging along, don't give up, and keep reading and praying. (And don't worry, you're going to grow up to be MUCH cuter than the Florida ducks. Those things are Uh-GLY!!)

Love y'all lots! Don't lose hope in school and Happy Birthday to all of you who are getting older!!

Hna Baer

Monday, March 12, 2018

Ether 6 or 12

TRANSFER CALLS!! Yeah, I'm not going anywhere :) 12 weeks in Ft. Pierce! And neither is Hna Andrus; she's dying in Ft. Pierce.

This week's highlights:

- It rained for the first time in forever!! I love the rain! And even better, we got to go tracting in the rain! The worst is when you enter someone's house or a church meeting right as it starts to sprinkle, then the whole storm passes while you're occupied inside. (Some of my best memories of the MTC are standing with my head out the window while it rained)

 - One of the Ward missionaries came up to us kinda upset that we never call her, so we took her to our next set lesson and she rocked it! She never missed a chance to bear testimony about a gospel principle and she mentioned almost every auxiliary in the church!! #wardmissionariesforthewin!!

- We were able to meet the non-member family of a missionary who's serving in - wait for it! - Concepción South!! They're super cool and even fed us burritos when we dropped by unannounced. They're awesome and we hope to stay in contact with them more. (Any suggestions on how to help them through the first few months of having a missionary out?)

- The sisters in Palm Bay (AKA English sisters that are 1 hour away) let us Skype into a Spanish lesson! I old Spanish ladies! Her name is Millie and She's super great; she comes to church every Sunday, but she ends up going to the 9 am, not the 12. The sisters have been trying to get her to change, and they even mentioned that next year their ward will be at 9am. To that Millie said "Well then I guess we'll be in the same ward next year."

- The best one: Hermana Turcio of the Relief Society presidency surprise took our entire district to lunch at La Granja. Inca Kola ALL around! She also wasn't afraid to talk about everything missionaries are told to not talk about (like pencil skirts and dating) mostly because her daughter just got home from a mission and is trying to re-enter the dating field. Also because she's Hispanic and Hispanic people are just the best!

Well, this week I learned a lot from Elder Bednar's talk called "Accepting the Lord's Will and Timing." And yes I'm going to make you go read them so you can experience for yourselves what a good talk it is. Also, the "But If Not..." talk is always a classic. Naturally. (From Charade, naturally.)

I'm praying for y'all to have a great week too! Enjoy!

Hna Baer

Proof I love the rain.

Thanks mom! I forgot to take a picture of the finished meringues before I ate them, but they were super good!

Monday, March 5, 2018

Finish with a bang

Let's jump straight to Saturday: ...Nevermind, let's not. Exchanges were hard! I love Sis Andrus! I've learned from the error of my ways and will be a better companion.

Ok, Sunday: Roger got baptized! He was so happy and so excited! We even got to Skype in the Windy Ridge sisters (aka my old comp and Sis. Andrus' old comp!!) To take pictures! Wow! He was so happy and all the stress of making a baptism happen paid off! Wow:) see pictures below.

The rest of the week went something like this:
Brother Donnell (1st counselor of bishopric): Ya' know, Black Panther is still here showing in the theaters. It's breaking box-office records!
Me: Ya know, I'm still here breaking records in the field! *Cries*

 ._____. -_____- ._____.
Let's just say, I feel you Abraham. Probably not even really, but I've definitely had to face some desires this week. Like when we give a really good FHE lesson and Bro. Donnell ends on Marvel. Or when we go looking for a VeggieTales CD in Walmart and I just have to walk through the technology section with my eyes closed. That was fun. BUT, blessings are real! We helped Roger come closer to Christ, and we may even have another actual investigator! Wow! Bendiciónes!!

es todo.

Foto tiempo!!

#builtinhandmixer! (Meringues are had to make without an electric mixer)

Exchanges! Hna Andrus, me, Sis. Padgett and Sis. Knapp

Blessings of technology

Roger and Elder Ward in their Tidy Whities! (Because of health problems, we had E. Ward and Bro. Wolf in the font with Roger, who sat in a chair. The two baptizing Roger then tipped the chair. It was really cool!)

Our Zone discovered Bang energy drinks. And they won't stop. They finna drown with how much they drink, if they don't explode first!