Monday, March 26, 2018

I’ll go inside someday

I love to see the temple. And we're going on a temple trip on Friday. I'm super excited!!! We've even already seen miracles as the session starts at 7am, which means we leave here at 5am. And we had to find a member ride. We thought we were toast, but them, Jasmine, a returned missionary, was willing to take us. #blessingsofgoingonamission I'm so grateful and excited I can't see straight!!

Also, Roger FINALLY got confirmed!! He's no longer dead with a cold!! We're so proud, and he's so happy, and because it happened within 30 days of the baptism, we didn't have to rebaptize him! Blessings for a lot of prayers. Church is true.

But also this week, we had to put off another lesson with Pamela because she was still sick. But, silver lining here, I'm learning so much patience.

Also, exchanges: I went up to Satellite Beach, and I got to drive :) My favorite. But we did get to see a lot of miracles, such as meeting with someone they haven't seen in months. That was cool.

That was about it... But I did read an inspiring talk by the One and Only Jörg Klebingat called "Approaching the Throne of God with Confidence." I recommend it to all of you! Be confident!

I have no photos this week. The only one I have is of my hand-made rice bag (because: gluten free) for Hermana Andrus. It's... Well, it worked. And I'm proud.

 ...ok, I dug up one more: ZTM. We all gathered and were edified as a zone. ...yep.

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