Monday, March 19, 2018


There's a quote from Ratatouille here, but I can't remember the exact line. Oh well.

Let's start out with this picture.

This is us. Walking home from our car. Inside our car safely resides our keys. We're so safe! No one is going to steal our car now! Hah!


Here's one of my favorite photos.

Let's just say, what a day. We were on bikes the next day so Woot!! I love my bike!! We forgot to take a bike selfie though, so... too bad.

But as it is Hna Andrus' last transfer I Am now back in the driver's seat. At least, I should've been. I lost the card that allows me to drive a mission vehicle. But it's ok! Cuz God is a God of miracles. Also, Ask and ye shall receive. He sent it back to me.

We found it 2 weeks later. It made me realize how hard life on the streets is like without the Holy Ghost. Poor card. Poor all those people who are living on the streets without the Holy Ghost and don't even know what they're missing.

Another highlight of this week was seeing duckies. Here they are.

I always think of the Ugly Duckling story when I see ducks. Its a good reminder that we're all children of God and even though we sometimes don't fit in or feel ugly, we have a great potential ahead of us. Just keep chugging along, don't give up, and keep reading and praying. (And don't worry, you're going to grow up to be MUCH cuter than the Florida ducks. Those things are Uh-GLY!!)

Love y'all lots! Don't lose hope in school and Happy Birthday to all of you who are getting older!!

Hna Baer

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