Thursday, April 19, 2018

On the Road Again

We drove so much. So much.

Hna Andrus had her departing temple trip, so we drove up Thursday night to sleep over with Windy Ridge sisters! Ah that good ol' 'partment. I knew it well.

We "slept" that night, then went to the temple early the next day. Again, I was not allowed to join them (as I am not going home) so I got to enjoy the good ol' FOMO [fear of missing out]. THEN, we drove all day to exchanges. It was a long day. Then exchanges. Again, a long day. Many things happened. None of which I'll share right now. :) Then I drove home the next day. Oof. Driving.

But on a better note, Josefina agreed to be baptized! She didn't say when, but she DID come to church on Sunday, AND she brought a friend! Wowzer! I'm so proud!

We kinda dropped everyone else and spent a lot of time finding old, lost members. That was... slightly depressing, but, just like in every other aspect of missionary work, every now and again, there was a cool moment! Like last Sunday (with the husband that shouted at us when we parked on his grass). But I told that story last Monday... so...

This week in church, though, all 4 of us Ft. Pierce missionaries spoke. It was pretty cool! Then Hna Andrus got her final interview, so I spent 30 min companionless in a Spanish Sunday school. THEN, we went into Priest Quorum to see Roger get the Aaronic Priesthood. That was initially awkward, then pert cool! So, very spiritual, but slightly odd. Just like the rest of the church. :)

Well, not to spill the beans, but, please don't send any Porsches to my current address this week. A little birdie suggested the current goodness may not last...

Exchanges! Me, Schwendinger, Knapp, Andrus

District Meeting w/ Zone Leaders: Sweet, Duffin, Larson behind Keith, Ward, Gibson, Andrus, I'm not affiliated.

I forgot to mention the weather celebrated my 8 month Mark by raining REALLY HARD while I was driving, and then lightning-ing the power box. We went lights out. My "Christian Bale" church treasure hunt getting finished by candlelight.

Our Zone leaders: Sweet, Pottle, & Duffin on top.

The Bald Strawberry: Gluten-free waffle Pizzas. The closest to Settebello I've ever gotten.

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