Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Week of Tongues

This week we had 3 lessons in Spanish (an unprecedented amount for Fort Pierce!) Along with both Sunday school and Relief Society this last Sunday, a lesson and a half in Portuguese (of which there's a shockingly high amount of in Orlando Florida), a marriage counseling session in Hatian Creole (also many Haitians), and a testimony in fast and testimony meeting in Russian.   O_o    And I went to Florida. Now I can say I speak English, Falo Portugués, hablo español, mwe pa palo Creole, Ich spreche Deutsch, & Я говорю русский язык. 🤤

We also got cussed out after church on Sunday. We tried to drop by an unknown member and we parked on his lawn. He didn't like that. After we moved, he realized that we were sister missionaries so he invited us in. Turns out him and his wife still not only like the Gospel, but have a pretty strong testimony of it. They just don't live it. We had a super awesome lesson. We kinda just bore testimony that God still loves him, and the Spirit was super strong. It was really good. I learned to be a little more persistent with people who swear at you. They could still love God and the Book of Mormon:) What a week!

That's about it. I hope yinz had an enjoyable spring break! Keep reading your scriptures and going to church, even if it's tough or boring or slightly apostate. That's when you know something good is going to happen. You'll get that witness that you need. So Stay Active!!

Love Hna Baer

Do pelicans have tongues? I saw Nemo...

Our investigator that refuses to be baptised, but always talks about when she'll be a member of the church. And Sis Armsby. She da best!

 I love it!! (Keep Ft. Pierce beautiful!)

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