Monday, April 23, 2018


*Along with other short phrases, that basically has been our motto for the entire transfer. It seemed appropriate to end on such a note.

MOSTLY BECAUSE FORT PIERCE IS DYING!!!!! RIP. Our area is getting absorbed into the Elders' area, Hna Andrus is going home in 36 hours, and I'm getting transferred to the north! What's even up there??? NOT Ft. Lauderdale, I'll tell you that much. I'm just a wee bit skressd as: North (aka no friends), Spanish ward, and [I’ll be] Senior Comp. 😖🤤😨😓👻💀 But it's fine. I can always find consolation in the fact that Elder Larson got called to be a Zone Leader (or, to quote him, "Zone Lord! I'm already abusing my power!!"). Oh, and also in the fact that Christ can help me overcome all things. Which I think I better understood this week. And which I am about to put to the test en la semana que viene. (Gotta practice now ':D)

I'm headed to Semoran. My new companion is Hna Stowell, and she hasn't moved areas since she hit Florida. She's also only 1 transfer behind me. So at least we have the least chance of dying (Spanish-wise) as possible! It'll probably be fine... 0__,o I'm about to have the faith that God will help me with everything! Yay! 

This week was kinda just a lot of goodbyes, both to members and also to investigators, most of which didn't even realize we were leaving. They were just done investigating. :[

Um..... Bullet point time!

-- We served so many people: I cleaned the Pointons floor and Ellen's oven.

-- Tirso lunch/date??? (We may have 4 wheeled a date?? A member from Okeechobee drove 40 min to take just the sisters out to lunch. And a member from our ward. But not the other Elders or the Elders from Okeechobee so...)

-- Josefina hates pictures. (Graven images apparently equal any paintings or photos of Christ)

-- Spinning rims! (I was driving at the time so no pictures. Sorry!)

So to all of you, pls pray for:
Elder Ward: who's starting his 4th transfer in Ft Pierce (pobrecito!) AND he's the only one of us who's staying, AND he's absorbing our area.

Pablo: our bestest dollar bill/ investigator. We Skype him cuz he speaks Spanish but his elder don't. But now, we're leaving and also his elders are leaving. So pray that he can still be baptized on his baptismal date and not forgotten by his ward.

And Hermana Baer. Los dos. Porque necesitamoslo.

Ok, see y'all on the north side!!


Cowboys!! (So good! So expensive)

Our best investigator. Mostly because he lets us talk.

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