Wednesday, July 25, 2018

A Wafer-less Kit Kat

What a week. Points?

> Same Area! It's weird how even though you are still in the same geographical area and the same ward, you suddenly meet different people and are in different places. I swear I discovered a new member last transfer and again, another family this... I dunno

> Our dryer was kinda... superheating. The top had half-chipped, half-melted off. So maintenance came in and got us a new one. Which means we didn't do laundry for 2 weeks. Turns out, I ALMOST have enough clothes to make it 2 weeks. But it's alright, tub-time is fun!

 > We take Oscar "Off-Date" so he could meet with President Wood (1st counselor to President Clark) and then we put him back On-date. He didn't even know! But it was a little scary for us :D

> We had an hour of free time and knew one of our investigators lived on the first floor in an apartment complex, but we weren't quite sure which one. So we went looking with Faith. AND WE FOUND HER!! She invited us right in and we had a really cool lesson. In the end, Hna Robbins invited her to be baptized, but she said she already had been. (I don't like this question.) But in that moment, the spirit was like "Hey, check this out!" And then he used my mouth to say something really cool about authority and Christ being baptized. And then I knew that God really isn't going to leave me to destroy His work. Wow.

> I dug out my 2nd to last Kit Kat and took a big bite. And there was no wafer. I was shocked. Frankly it was a really good bar of chocolate, but... where was my wafer? If I hadn't been expecting something else, it would've been really good. But... Kit Kats go 'Crunch!'

Ok. Spiritual moment. I've discovered Paul H. Dunn. I love his talks!! I suggest all of them to everyone!! Also, I had a really cool spiritual "CLICK" moment during "Behold the Man." Please apply directly to your souls. And then read Jesus the Christ.
Thank you.

TUB TIME! (Laundry)

Oh yeah! Hna Robbins' bike pedal broke. We were a 2 bike, 3 pedal team. It was rough.

Dryers. I'm SOOOOOO grateful (see tub-time)

A mascot for the week. It was actually pretty good... It was..

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