Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Eat, Drink, and Be Merry, for Tomorrow...

I ... will still be here. Yep. Hna Robbins and I will be staying for another 6 weeks in Semoran! What a party! Such a gift! [That's what lil Gideon says, right?]

This week, Hna Robbins had both 2 converts going to the temple to do baptisms for the first time as well as an investigator who got baptised! Needless to say, we had a great week and none of it was in OUR area! :D

Um... I don't know what to tell you about with those so... I'll just send some pictures!

Our investigator, Oscar, went to the doctor this week, and the doctor told him to not to. Smoke or drink coffee. I wanna hug that doctor, and then share the gospel with him. But hugging is Diso, so... I guess I'll just high-five him. But it was cool go see God taking good care of us! Even if I still have no idea what I'm doing all the time, the Lord is guiding my wreck of a self to victory! How neat is that?

We also had Hna Robbins' birthday this week! What with glow-in-the-dark balloons and candles that burned in color, we were partying hard! We got a little daring and made cake-in-the-mug 's too! I know! We're living on the edge these days! #lifeofamissionary

Um, but really, I did a much better job of taking pictures than of doing anything else. We did get caught practicing our musical number foe the baptism by the 2nd counselor in the bishopric and thus played/sang in Sacrament meeting this week. Yay! It was cool to see the Lord really come in and help with the whole "relearn a song in 2 days without a piano!" Thing.

Anywho. I gotta go. But! Read your Scriptures! Every day! And life gets easier! Well, maybe not easier, but you get stronger:)
Ok Ciao!!

Birthday festivities and carnage! (Can you guess which one I am in the dark picture with both our heads?)

Baptism! Hna Swan & Wade with Bianca getting baptised in the middle. Hna Andrus joined us por skype:)

I love to see the temple. I went inside that day.

Hector and Ricardo with Hermana land!

Lunch at Junior Columbian Burger after with a member de Valencia. Shout out to Hna Calderon!

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