Monday, July 30, 2018


 Pretty sure that’s how the song goes... (Children's Songbook, 285)
Anywho, what a week!
Must've been a good one, cuz I can't seem to remember anything...

We made a trip down to the mission office/ mmmmmmmmDaves. They took Hna Robbins bike, then took a look at mine. They told me there are 2 sets of brakes on a bike for a reason APPARENTLY, you're supposed to use both, not just one. *Shrug* Ya learn new things every day.

ZTM happened and we learned about listening with charity. ... That's all I have to say about that.

I had a birthday. Now I'm old. I can't even drink legally, so... NO FUN!

Oh! We had a pretty cool experience this week that I would like to share! We were meeting our investigator at a Baskin Robbins but got there a little early and waited. While waiting, one of the workers comes up and says, "You're the missionaries! These drinks are on the house! I'm a Mormon from California!" And then leaves. We later get to talking with him, and we learned that he was the first in his family to be baptized, and he slowly helped much of his family to become members as well. But ever since his move here about 6 months ago, he's been less-active. He asked us to help him come back to church. We're super excited! It was another good reminder that the Lord really is behind this work, that if we do our best, the Lord will make things happen. (Now I just gotta work on patience so I'm alright in between these cool and rare sightings! ;)

Sorry there are no pictures from this week. We've got the before birthday pictures but no after ones. Mostly because my photographer was camped out in our bathroom while I squatted behind our desks. #Bestmom!! [Lauren requested little Nerf guns for her birthday.]

Well, y'all. It's been real. It's been fun. But,
I'll see y'all in many more moons. Remember to read your Scriptures EVERY DAY!!

I'd like to thank the Stinson boys, who made my birthday possible...

It's basically the worst picture of me I'VE never seen!

For Dad. 'Bout the moon. We're gonna be ok.

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