Tuesday, August 14, 2018

When Salt Lake Knows Who You Are

So there I was. Just trying hard to be a good missionary. Weekly planning like any other Friday. When the phone rings. It was the Mission Office. (Dun dun DUNN!!)
"Hello?" My companion answers the phone.
"Sister Baer!"
"Salt Lake just called."
Crispy toast.
"There's something funny with you're account."
*face palm*
Dad, don't laugh too hard. Salt Lake called to tell me to spend more money. (Elder Faulk in the mission office suggested buying peanut butter for my peanut butter sandwiches. Hah! What a punk.)

But to whisk through other news,
 > We're not getting kicked out of our apartment!

> We didn't die by lighting #blessingsofservice

> We met a cool less active from Venezuela who talked for 2.5 hours

> Our less-active from Columbia is flying home this Saturday :( She made such good progress! We're so proud!

> I did not lose my driving privileges. Drat.....😒

Spiritual Moment Time!
We had a pretty long week, and had a good cleansing Saturday. We not only met and cleaned out the storage area for 2 ladies, we also cleaned out our teaching pool:) There was a lot of faith happening that day. But, while I don't know if I'd want to relive Saturday, I'm grateful I had that chance to fight the fear of and doubt in the future with Enos 1:15. It was hard to have two of our investigators simultaneously drop us, and then have to stop teaching 2 others. But We wouldn't've met Betsy and Rachel otherwise.
The Lord works in Mysterious ways.

... that's all.

Us making Arepas! Yay!

I still wish the song went "Rain came down and the flowers came up." Oh well.

Salt Lake called. Pictures, so it happened.

Update on the piano: They Fixed It! Then on Sunday, we were moving it for the 8-year-old baptism and it went to tip. And I wet myself. (See photo 2;) But don't worry about it; it didn't fall. We're good!😅

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