Monday, August 27, 2018

Wow. Whadaweek.

20 August 2018 

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I'd say 'Let's begin with the biggest and best news,' but it's all kinda a tie.
So we'll just go in order.

Mon: We had a FHE with some very inspired members and Oscar. They shared a video called "The Touch of the Master's Hand," and it was really good. 10 outta 10 recommend.

Tues: We broke the car again. :) When we got it (from the elders), there was 20 miles of gas left before it broke, 1 mile of oil before it broke, and not clean. #typicalelders We also met Victor and Margret. Turns out Margret is a member but because of work, she can't come on Sunday. But he's not. More on this later.

Wed: We made it! We went to Gringos Locos to celebrate. I got a deep fried chimichanga. [Starting out 6 months to sexy on a good foot.] They were filled with baby birds. I was filled with much pain, but no regrets! We also chugged some Guaraná, which is a soda based off of a fruit only found in Brazil. Flashbacks to O-South/Windy Ridge days.

Thur: was awesome. Elder Costa of the 70 and his wife AND Elder Carpenter AND his wife came on a Mission Tour!! Which basically means they came and poured out revelation upon our ears. Wowowowowowow!! So good! We even walked in late and half the mission watched😁 The mockings still haven't ceased...

Fri: was awesome. We went to the temple to do baptisms for the dead with Hna Robbins recent convert from Valencia. It was Sooooo good! ...Wow.

Saturday: was not quite as awesome. Frankly, I don't even rememb-- OH WAIT! We went back to talk to Victor, and what started out as a shaky lesson became a really powerful learning experience. It was so cool to watch his heart soften and open as we shared the message of the Restoration. He even said he'd read! Please pray people!! We're excited!

Sun: ...nuffing. Literally nothing happened. We weekly planned. Not very fun.

And that's it. Thanks!! Ciao!

Making the bed with Hna Robbins. Aka visualizing Lehi’s dream

Wow. I wuv da Temple!!

Hna Robbins had to stop for a smoke. I love word of Wisdom problems.

Maria Alejandra left for home. We're so proud of all the good things she's done!! She's gonna be such a strong member!

Guaraná. 10 out of 10 WOULD recommend!

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