Friday, August 10, 2018

Hace Calor

It sounds like the name of a cool adventurer, like James Bond, Indiana Jones, Minesota Cuke, or Cliff Gordon.
But nope. It just means "It does hot." Or, as I choose to interpret it, "Please pass me the bucket, I'm melting into a puddle and I'd like to not lose any of me in the grass."
But other than straight melting (and it's not like I get a tan out of this, I'm just in the heat. It's, like, 110° in the Shade ;)

But on to weekly miracles.

> We had some really cool things happened this week! The less-active member we've been working with is no longer less-active as of yesterday! She was glowing in our last lesson, and was positively beaming at church. She radiated that light over the pulpit as she bore her testimony:) We're so proud!

> We met a cool guy named Heri, who said he had had some terrible experiences with other churches and so he didn't go. But at the end of our conversation, he invited us back on Wednesday morning. Wow! I kinda forgot that people want our message. "We aren't just shoving it down people's throats." That was rul cool!

> We went to see a less active, but he wasn't there. But! His son was, so the son calls the dad, and we basically reschedule through the poor kid. But then, our car fob thing that unlocks the car, broke. We sat in the rain and stared at it until the neighbor of our less active came out and saved the day. He pried open our fob and inserted a new battery. Wow. My hero. We'll baptize him next!!

Well, that's about It! Hope y all don't get stuck in the rain! Or the sun! ...Frankly, just don't get stuck.

With care!

Dinner with a member

Stuck in the rain

Ward party. I have no idea why we had that party. Or who thought of a bouncy house. But I love them.

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