Monday, November 26, 2018

Happy Fat Sleepy Missionaries

As we left our members house at which we had Thanksgiving, my companion said, "We're just a bunch of happy Fat Sleepy Missionaries!" And it was so funny!!

Valencia is doing rul good. We have, like, 2 people to teach, so... that'll be a good challenge! Hna Robinson is a great missionary and she keeps me laughing so much! She's also the coolest person as she's gone through some really hard things in her 20 years. All the time, I'm like, "I know exactly how you feel! I once... dropped... my ice cream... and I was so sad!!!" *face palm* Yeah, there are blessings in both directions as I'm glad I have a happy (fat sleepy??) family, but I also just all the time am like "I gave you this wonderful book. WHY DIDN'T YOU READ IT!!???!" Anyways, sorry for that little rant.

We saw a lot of good miracles this week (even with my eyes being glazed over with the transfer to a new area; it's been a hot sec since THAT'S happened!) And we look forward to seeing some things develop. I'd share more specific details, but I don't remember ANYONE'S name. I'm still working on our phone number 😅👍

I had a cool experience in Alma 36:8. I imagine that when the Angel told him to stand up 3 times in a row, that probably went a little deeper than physically. I had a thought that maybe something inside of him - the part that knew he was made for more, that he was a valiant son of God - heard that call to not shrink and stood up inside. Like that one talk called "Stand up Inside and Be All In." Take a look at it. Or something.

Yep. That's about it. You can go check out the other Hna Baer's email now. G'head. Go on, now!

Hna Robinson. She's the best! We took "Thank you" and "Love You" cards ot all the the less active or lonely people we could think of without destroying our mile limit. It was really cool. We found some long-lost sheep!

Birds. All the time, there's just weird birds in weird places, and ya can't ever tell if they're real or not. These ones are real. I hope they're eating all the dumb ants upon which Florida is built.

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