Wednesday, November 14, 2018

¿Que hora es?🍮

To celebrate our finally having a Día de Hispanidad and the goal Hna Robbins and I have had for 2 weeks now to only speak Spanish, the remainder of this letter will be in Spanish. Gracias.
[Mom ran this through Google Translate. . . hope it's close.😊]

Hemos tenido una meta para hablar solamente español entre 8:30am -- 9:00pm. Y voy a morir. Estamos trabajando como districto para ser más unido. Y tenemos dos elderes que fueron crecido hablando espanol. Entonces el barro es bien alto. DEP. (Descansen en Paz)
We have had a goal to speak only Spanish between 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. And I'm going to die. We are working as a district to be more united. And we have two elders who grew up speaking Spanish. Then the mud is very high. R.I.P. (Rest in peace) [Or maybe la barra – the bar is very high.]

También esta semana, Hna Robbins y yo fijamos una meta para encontrar a 14 personas nuevas. Y me destruyó!! Cortamos todo el tiempo libre, y dsspues de una semana bien fuerete, habíamos encontrado a 10 personas nuevas!! Wow! Había muchas milagros en esto, como cuando Yaira, con quien hemos tenido contacto por como un mes, nos llamo "afuera del azul" y empazamos a hablar. Ella es bien linda, y es unos de las personas que no saben donde esta el evanjelio de Cristo, como la promesa de las escrituras. Estamos animadas para trabajar más con ella.
Also this week, Sister Robbins and I set a goal to find 14 new people. And it destroyed me!! We cut all the free time, and after a good week, we had found 10 new people! Wow! There were many miracles in this, such as when Yaira, with whom we have had contact for about a month, called us "out of the blue" and we started to talk. She is very nice and is one of the people who do not know where the gospel of Christ is, as the promise of the scriptures. We are encouraged to work more with her.

Otro milagro es que finalmente tuvimos nuestro Día de Hispanidad! Y fue FANTÁSTICO!! Cada pais hizo su propia mesa y presentación también. Me encanta que cada pais puede ser tan diferente, pero todavia tener cosas y tradiciones en común. Los elderes estaban tan orgulloso de nuestro mesa -- ellos y tambien Hno Sellers de nuestro barrio. El es el unico otro de los Estados Unidos en nuestro barrrio. El llevo una camisa de su mision en Chile. (Santiago; ya pregunté:[ ) Pero Yaira habló con nosotras durante la fiesta y dijo "Me quiero bautizar! Como lo hago?" Morimos!! Ya empezó a invitar amigas (ella ya tiene amigas en la iglesia??) a su bautismo! Todavía no tenemos una cita, pero eso va a cambiar MUY rapido! ;)
Another miracle is that we finally had our Columbus Day! And it was FANTASTIC!! Each country made its own table and presentation as well. I love that each country can be so different, but still have things and traditions in common. The elders were so proud of our table - they and also Brother Sellers of our neighborhood. He is the only other of the United States in our neighborhood. He wore a shirt of his mission in Chile. (Santiago, I already asked. :[ ) But Yaira talked with us during the party and said "I want to be baptized! How do I do it?" We died!! Already she began to invite friends (she already has friends in the church??) to her baptism! We still do not have an appointment, but that will change VERY fast! ;)

Ademas, tuvimos nuestro Programa de Primaria, y ellos pidieron que yo toco. 0_o Aprendí como 11 canciones en 2 semanas en el horario de un misionera. :P Estoy frito. Pero todo fue bien bonita, y de verdad, me encantó tocar. (Y a gracias de esto, fuimos invitado al "after-party" en la primaria despues! Fue bien loco :D)
In addition, we had our Primary Program, and they asked me to play. 0_o I learned about 11 songs in 2 weeks inside the missionary schedule. :P I'm fried. But everything was very nice, and I really loved playing. (And thanks to this, we were invited to the after-party in Primary afterwards! It was really crazy. :D)

No puedo compartir algo de mis estudios porque algunos dias, el tiempo de estudios fue llamado "tiempo libre," entonces, más que leer sobre la lepra, leí y me gustó el discurso "Un Verano con la Tía Abuela Rosa" de Presidente Uchtdorf. Por favor, Disfrútalo y aprender por si mismo. Bueno Suerte!! Tenga un buen semana!  
I cannot share some of my studies because some days, the study time was called "free time," so, rather than reading about leprosy, I read and liked the speech "A Summer with Aunt Abuela Rosa" by President Uchtdorf. Please, enjoy it and learn for yourself. Good luck!! Have a good week!

Nuestro pizza por la fiesta. Vive América.

After-party. Literally off the hook [Primary program]

Fiesta pics. Peru was the best! Mostly because it was all my favorite members. The daughter of the Serrano family came up afterwards the primary program and hugged me. 😍 FAVORITES!!!

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