Wednesday, November 21, 2018

One More Minute!

Once upon a time, we were trying to cross the street with our bikes, but our needy Semoran Elders called. I was trying to fix their problem while also bike to the church as fast as possible to save the Relief Society activity (cuz they got locked out of the church I:" ) But I forgot that the left turn-ers go before the pedestrians. So I watched the light change, then I started walking, got about half a step before I caught on, then backed up. It was a pretty minor thing. Or so I thought! The second car in line rolled down the window and a very nice man (probably a member??) said, "One more minute! :D" as he drove by. What a sassy gent.

Anyways, we had a bit of a crazy week as we tried to meet with all the new people we found to teach last week. Yaira got sick (you invite to baptism and they get super sick. It happened to Victor as well!! #oppositioninALLthings ]:" ) so we haven't been able to talk or teach her. One more minute. But she had a dream and is now completely convinced God wants her to be baptized in a river. According to the 7th article of faith, I know that "We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth." But how do you respond to someone who comes to you and says they have had a dream of being baptized in a river, and thus are focused on getting baptized in a river? We're going to go back* and make sure she wants THE TRUE church, and not just church. But any advice on how to answer visions would be nice.

Also, I had a cool study about Aaron! When he was teaching the Old King (father of Lamoni) and converts him. But if the old King had not met Ammon with King Lamoni, and if Ammon hadn't gone to save his brethren, and thus if the brethren hadn't been stuck in jail; ALL of this!! wouldn't have happened. If Aaron & co. hadn't have spent time in jail, the Old King wouldn't've been converted and wouldn't've converted his people and thus no Anti-Nephi-Lehi's, and thus no mass conversion nor 2000 stripling warriors!! Think of all the good that DID happen, but that wouldn't've happened if he hadn't been imprisoned. It's almost like God sends us through dark tunnels so we come closer to the light and are converted a little more, and then he sends us miracles. You have to wait one more minute in the dark, and then, if you're patient, you can have a view to a miracle. (not a kill;) Wow. Stick with it!! You can do it!!

Oh, also, transfer doctrine: Hna Robbins is staying and I'm GOING!!! TO VALENCIA!!... That means I'll still be coming to the same P-days and the same district meeting. I'll see Hna Robbins 2 times every week. At least. Whaddamove. But a Hermana named Hna Perry is coming to take my place. My new companion will be Hna Robinson. 0.o #tonguetied

Also, bragging rights: the church is starting a new program called EnglishConnect. We heard more about it at Zone Conference, and we held our first session at our chapel on Wednesday. While there, it was announced that this was not only the first session for our Stake, it was the first session in all of Florida. AND! Not only was it the first session in all of Florida, it was the first session in the eastern half of the United States. :])) No pressure. But wait, there is no pressure. I got transferred. :}

Alright. I'm done. Have a great week all! Enjoy the snow!!

My bed after early morning seminary. It's official: I could live at the church.

The Ortega family. They're awesome!

Oh. That's it. No more pictures. Sorry! Have a great weak! Remember: Paaaaaatience.

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