Tuesday, December 11, 2018

400,000 Viruses

Yes. Very yes.

This week, our everything broke. Our car's airbag alert went off, but then we missed our appointment so... Hope it's a false alarm :D

Then, Hna Robinson's tablet was struggling, flickered, then went black. Rest in Peace lil tablet. She had her mom send a new one which arrived thrusday, so for 3 1/2 days, Hna Robison had to use the phone... which had fallen off my stuff I was carrying to the car and the screen broke. 0.o Let's just say, this week was really hard. We also haven't been able to find any new people to teach, but we also somehow have absolutely no time to find!! I DUNNO WHAT'S HAPPENING! This whole week was like 1 long weekly planning. AKA warped reality. And the only thing that was always there was Wendy's. ("It made me want to weep, and then die.")

But on a happier note, I absolutely love all the people in the Book of Mormon. For example, I love when Lachoneus receives the suave-est, most slimy letter from Giddianhi, leader of the secret combinations, and instead of fearing or feeling obligated to write back, he just tells the entire Nephite nation to huddle up. They go into complete lock-down mode and all repent hard-core. All the robbers are like "... Where did everybody go?" "It's cold out here!" and "We ain't had nothing but maggoty bread for 3 stinkin' months!" Wow. Then, they just keep shields up, heads down, and the Lord with them. And bwamo. The Lord brings them through. They don't even eat all their food.

ANYWAYS, I hope y'all are reading and I gotta go, but I love you. Stay in School. And in the Book of Mormon.


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