Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Last Minute Twain-ing

We heard pretty last minute that we were going to go caroling as a district, and then the other sisters in our district (las hermanas de Semoran) asked us to drive as the other elder's had the car. So, we last minute "went with them twain." We had plans to visit one complex, thus not killing our miles. But then... we just visited all the less-actives in the farthest away part of their area. RIP miles. But it was also all of those wonderful less-actives that I had spent months working with, so blessings in disguise. Also, there's nothing better than a caroling group of gringos:)

Other than that, the highlights of this week go something like this:

> Hna Robinson hit her 9 month mark 2 days before I hit my 16th month mark so of course we went out to celebrate! #twisteetreatforlife! Mostly, we kinda forgot so it was very last minute, but. Still did it. (Dad, I realised they had an amaretto option, and was reminded of the time you were eating gelato in Italy when you realised it was your birthday. Prove I actually do think of you:)

> We went to see another Less-Active, and after waiting an (singular) hot sec at her door, she not only lets us in, but she lets us move her sofa and chair out to the dumpster! I love service! I got to sit on the sofa as we drove to the dumpster and it was way fun. Yep. Then we had a good spiritual moment. I'd say it was pretty inspired.

> We also had the ward Christmas party. They had set up empty tables along the wall and asked all the sisters in the ward to bring their nativities. That was SUPER cool. Just thoughts for y'all back home, in case you haven't had your fiesta navideƱo yet. We helped with food and networked. It looks like the networking is going to pay off as 2 of the people we really spent time talking with are meeting with us tonight to have a FHE so Pray for Manuel y Carmen!

That's it. More solid reading in the Book of Mormon. Did you know that Jesus Christ is really awesome? With all the time I spent with Jesus in the 2nd half of 3rd Nephi this week, I felt inspired to return to a previous, forgotten goal of reading one of the gospels, and read John 9 where Jesus heals the man blind from birth. I absolutely LOVED!! this story. I love how the man, after being healed, stands up for Jesus and as he does so, he begins to realise how blind the leaders of the 'church' really are. It's all about who is truly blind with symbolism and applicable, thought-provoking morals up to your armpits. G'head and give it a read, then a ponder, then a prayer. I can promise you'll feel better:)

Anyways, that's all the time we have for today. Remember, God made you special, and He loves you very much!

PS Quick shout-out to Veggietales for making that last line possible as well as to my STL who went home a little early so she could start school. Best of luck braving the cold in Utah Sis. Hunsaker! Florida misses you :)

Ward Christmas party!

Member dinners   :)

My amaretto ice cream. YUS!

This doesn't even need a title.

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