Thursday, December 27, 2018

Feliz Navidad

Feliz Navidad, y próspero año y felicidad!! Never before have I know what on earth those words were! Weird how learning another language opens doors like that...

Ok y'all. As a missionary, one must be honest. Imma talk to the flam tomorrow, so I'm not finna send much this week. But, to be honest again, yinz probably aren't finna read this email tampoco. So...

I finished reading the Book of Mormon for the President Nelson challenge today!! IT WAS SOOO GOOOOOOOOOD!!!! I laughed, I cried; it moved me. But much more importantly, I've never been so motivated to be a "pure and delightsome people"... er, person. I just want to make my Eternal Heavenly Father so proud and "our Lord Jesus Christ" full of joy. Wow. Such emotions. Good thing New Years resolutions are coming up. #theProphet'sinspired

So sorry I always fangirl, but I know the Book of Mormon is from God and can help us with our daily worries. I've found comfort, solace, and wisdom as I've read it, and watched my doubts and fears melt away. I can promise it will do the same for you. So read! Also Christmas. During a lesson this week, I had the sudden realisation that we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ for Christmas, but it really is all about His death. Or rather, yeah sure the birth was really important, as without it there would be no Savior, but a lot of people have been born. Only one has atoned. Guys, we're celebrating the wrong holiday!! We should be celebrating EASTER!!!

But. We'll take any opportunity we have to celebrate. Have a great Christmas! See y'all tomorrow!

Mury chursmus

Exchanges! Sis Richards had her first Hispanic meal, and she took it like a champ!! Didn't even throw Up!

Also, Brigham Young! They don't even know how cool there are!

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