Monday, January 21, 2019

In 3 More Hours, I'll have 5 Hours Left

Ah this week. Everything broke. Again. Our shower, our car, our sink, our phone for a hot sec, and also my companion. RIP. So let's jump to highlights!

> We spent the first 2 days with our STL's on exchanges, then emergency exchanges when our car broke. They're super funny!

> Wed. night, I went on mini exchanges with the Semoran Hnas, where I spent the night back in Semoran and Hna Robinson (my comp) and Hna Perry went to Windy Ridge to see a baptism. It was sad not to go back to my baby area, but it was really fun to get a lot of hugs in where I really feel like is home. It was so much fun! I'll tell you more, soon.

> And now, a message from Elder Bair: Hello, another Bear has been found. Florida has been a blast for us bears! Rest assured that with one of our dear kind returning home honorably from a great mission, that I will remain to carry on the legacy of the forest. There is still much to do for the gathering of Zion, and now Orlando's future is even more bright with a new bear in town to follow in the great footsteps of Hermana Baer. -- And that's Elder Bair for you.

> We spent the next day with the Hermanas de Semoran. We then stole their car. ':D My bad. But we had a great Zone Conference, and I got to catch up with Hna Robbins all day. It was so Good!

> A couple more long days, then an amazing night where I was just feeling the sins and sorrows of the world on my shoulders. I was so sad that so many people don't have the same joy we have. And it was, again, just really sad. But then, a member walked in (you could tell because of the celestial smile:) and, I felt like God loved me. It was good to know that there are good, knowledgeable members scattered around. That was cool. Thanks God.

I've been studying Spiritual Gifts in the book of Mormon. Ask for my list upon return.

Ok. Y'all rock. See ya! Remember to keep studying Come Follow Me!!

Hna Baer

No time so Picture time!!
Our Fabulous Zone. Don't look too close.

EXCHANGES! Sis Stephen's up close and personal with Sis Richards happily behind her.

Empanadas with Hna Silva. I heart her SO MUCH!!

A broken shower. ...There are no words.

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