Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Prospero Año y Felicidad

I can't remember if I geeked out about that last time, but now I know what the fweet that means!!! I always mumbled something before the mission with a P, but...... #blessings!

So, a bit of a rough week as Christmas calmed down, but family was still hanging around. But, we did... something. Probably just a lot of repentance. :/

But we found 2 new people to teach! Mostly, God just dropped them into our lap. Please pray that Desidario and Ivette... well, come to church this coming week, and respond to our texts. And then get baptized. A member referred them to us, so the pressure is on! 🤤

I hope you all enjoyed the reading of the Book of Mormon as much as I did! I decided after enjoying it so much, that I'm going to reread it before Valentines day, marking all the promised blessings. It's gunna be LIT!

Ok, the gatorball call has gone out. I gotta go break some ankles.



 Dodo -- so many strange birds in Florida

Brennan 3-D printed this puzzle maze

Hermana Robinson

We had a white elephant as a zone. It was almost funny....

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