Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Now I Know Why I'm Here

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While here in Valencia, I have fixed our bathroom sink, our shower drain 2 times, once in the Semoran sisters apartment, and a countless number of church toilets. It's a Me, a-Luigi. |:"

But really, we had a super cool weekend! We had 2 really cool experiences right on the weekend, so I remember it as a really good week. We happened to be in the right place at the right moment to help someone from the Virgin Islands get to the airport. Wow! Half the miracle was in that the members we were visiting were home to answer the door, but between the 2 of us, we got her a taxi to the airport! It feels good to be in a position to help people!
Which leads me to Sunday night: Hna Robinson and I both suddenly remembered a member in the elder's area that we knew was struggling and we decided to sacrifice miles to go see her. She was home and as soon as we sat down, she opened right up. We explained the new changes in the church and how Come Follow Me is a lot more of how to grow your personal testimony and helping yourself become a disciple of Christ, which really is what she needed. She shared all her stress and fears (blessings of being sister missionaries;) and we could testify so powerfully of God's love and of Enduring to the End. The spirit was so strong! We were both exhausted afterwards, but that's just more proof that we really were on the Lord's errand!
Sometimes as a missionary, I feel a little like God just wants me to wander until I've earned enough 'points' to deserve a miracle. But this week, I learned that God really is preparing people as we go out and nudge others even closer to Him. He's not just waiting for us to be ready for something great (impatiently tapping His foot so the while) but rather orchestrating harmonies in a way that will make right now tie in in the future. God's so cool!

Thanks for letting me ramble:) I really wanted to share that with you. I hope you have a great week, and I look forward to seeing you NOT SOON! heh... heh heh...

Hna Baer

Hna Robinson took a shower while I made her the 10-month mark German pancakes. She came out and said, "Hermana, we have a problem."

Another time this week, we had non-alcoholic wine. And it was NASTY!! OH SO GROSS! It was like a rotten grape that had sat in water for far too long. #notgrapejuice.

Also we went to Jimmy Hulas. Mostly, I just can't remember the last time I sent a picture of me home, and I was feeling guilty. Now you can all see how gordita I am :]))

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