Monday, October 23, 2017

Hello Fatness, my old friend!

 Ugh. We had fast food every day this week. CADA DÍA! But it's ok. I'm not bitter. I may have caught Hermana Bond singing "Eating, ever eating" to Called to Serve.

A story from this week: So there we were. Doing our daily 4 hours of studying. Again. Still. Forever. ANYWAYS, we get this phone call from a cute old lady the missionaries had visited once before. At that time, she was brand new from Venezuela (Puerto Rico? Suddenly I don't remember... ) and her daughter was about to have a baby. She told the missionaries they're welcome to come another day, but they have to call first. But she didn't have a number. And it's tricky to call someone when they don't have a phone. Anyways, after 2 months, she calls us saying "Where are you? You never came to visit!" 0,o ...Que? We visited her that day and she was so sweet! And her grandchild is so cute! And she just kept 'Amen'-ing and 'Hallelujah'-ing. 😄 (We're expecting a call from the Catholic church, asking us to stop stealing their members. ]:} ) The church is true.

Speaking of which, never before has more than 3 people showed up to sacrament meeting before the scheduled hour to start. But there they were! At 8 In the AM! At least 20 people!! AND ONE OF OUR INVESTIGATORS!! The Church Is True! Especially Hispanic wards. Yup. Speaking of that investigator, she might actually be a member. Which stinks, because she is so willing to learn and is so excited to go to the temple. Which is where she was first found, wandering the grounds. Yup. ........A story by Hermana Baer

Ok, pues, I dunno what else happened this week besides another lesson in English, a baptism, a Mormon party at Cafe Rio (they bought our dinner! A blessing on their heads! (Mazletof mazletof)), and lots of food, including my old nemesis: pinto beans and hotdogs - At the same time.

So Imma go read Jesus the Christ.
Which reminds me: spiritual thought of the day. I loved the talk by Elder Boyd k. Packer called "How to Survive in Enemy Territory." I also was reading in Enos, chapter 1 when Enos' family tree sunk in. His dad is Jacob, who has heard the voice of God. His uncle is Nephi, who needs no introduction. And yet Enos hasn't taken the gospel to heart yet. Sounds like a typical teenager. It reminds me of the quote, "We're only one generation from apostasy." It was a cool thought, and kinda hard to put into words. Yup.
On that poorly-worded thought, I'm gonna duck out.

Have a great week!

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