Monday, October 16, 2017

Sync Me! You’ve been practicing!*

*loosely taken from The Scarlet Pimpernel, a recurring joke about Chauvelin's inability to tie his cravat properly
Don't actually remember the real quote.... also, please send Noelle's messages to me! I wanna know too!
This week was at least faster. I think... Some of the best moments of this week included:

-- When the bishop announces to a Hispanic ward that church will begin at 8 am for the rest of the year. (Bwah-ha-ha! We were laughing so loud, and we still couldn't hear ourselves over the uproar! At least next week is the primary program, so we'll see just how true the church is next week. Aka if anyone shows up.) 
-- When I went on exchanges with our English Sister training Leaders and got to teach a lesson in English. Guess what! I wouldn't be all that bad of a missionary if I could speak the language. (I'd also probably get pretty bored pretty fast. Spanish is a good challenge)
--When I got to talk to Elder Fox (from the MTC) at service on Friday. It was good to see an "old friend" again. I hope the other 2 are doing well.

Aaaaaaand, that's all I remember. Ok, I'll explain the header now.
So I've been having some problems with syncing my tablet, and until Wed didn't have access to LDS tools. I couldn't see who is in the ward. So many times I shouted "Sync me!" And I thought of Percy every time. Yep. Also, I am now a professional box popper, head-nodder, and car-backer. Sometimes I feel bad when people think I understand them because I keep nodding my head, but.... no hablo, entonces.....

Ok, well. I'm out of words. So photo time.

Exchanges! I was with sister Sorensen (who I'm not actually related to :[ ) the one in the blue.

My contacts rebelled so I taught the weekly math lesson blind.

Más servicio!! That place is HUGE!

Not actually sure what thats actually called, but it was potatoes in a spicy sauce with lettuce. Food from Peru. Simple but good.

We went fishing. You would dip the pole in and within 5 sec, you could catch a fish. It was crazy. I caught about 6 before passing the pole along. (3 were with a Spider-Man pole Elder McCourt bought for $3 at Wal-Mart. That was way fun!)

Ok, pues, I can't remember anything else from this week, (Besides the 2 days in a row we got 2 dinners. The Tongue was happy, but everything else was crying.) So I'll sign-out here. If you have any questions, please let me know and I'll forget to address them for next time. Thanks BYYEEEEE!

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