Monday, October 30, 2017

It’s Wednesday . . . right?*

*Probably references this viral vime.

Oof. It was a long Wednesday this week. Literally every day I asked Sis. Bond if it was Wednesday. Which is odd, because nothing happened on Wednesday.

Tuesday I made breaded shrimp. It wasn't all that bad either. The only problem was that I thought the bag of shrimp contained only shrimp. Nope! It had shrimp, mussels, calamari, and octopus. And to make matters worse, the bag didn't reseal. But I continued with this plan and after one or two black shrimps, I got pretty good at it. And just for funsies, I breaded some octopus too. And it wasn't all that bad either. That is, until that night. Then it came back with a vengeance.

Also on Tuesday, we extended an invite to a (super-ready) investigator and her family. She was really open to the idea. Now, normally you set a date about a month in advance. Bishop believes she can be ready by Nov. 4. That's just under 2 weeks. This part she's not so sure about. She says she'll think about it and let us know tomorrow (or Wednesday for non time travelers). Nothing happened Wednesday. Our investigator says that's too soon, especially for her kids. The bishop tried to persuade her that she's ready and can set an example for her kids. She said she'd think about it. *For the record, Loki's got nothing on Bishop. He is the smoothest talker I've had the pleasure of hearing.*

We had interviews with the president on Thursday. We also had a campfire with the Relief Society. With S'mores. It was fantastic! No one had ever heard of a s'more before, and so they all got about 4 marshmallows on those small wooden skewers and Plunged them straight into the fire! [BWAHAHAHAHA!! Hermana Bond and I DIED!!] Talk about taking things for granted: imagine a world without s'mores. But they all really liked their burnt-to-a-crisp marshmallows.

We had Trainer Follow-up on Friday. I got to see the ol' Mexico crew again! Elders Fox, Isaacson, and Westover are doing pretty good.

Saturday was a special day. We went to help a recent convert paint his bathroom. It reminded me of working at the apartments every summer. [I also had a mini panic attack when literally everything was not done well: no taping, no tarping, no stirring, no plastic tray, AAH! Special thanks to Grandpa who taught me how to mow lawns and paint walls, both of which I've already done in my mission.]

Then Halloween party! There were some really clever costumes: a mom and a dad were Sully and Mike Wazowski and their one kid was Boo. Cute!

Also, bishop was Moroni and his wife was Esther. It was way fun! I even got a piece of candy! Woot! Sunday our investigator came back up to us and said she and her daughter have decided to be baptized on the 4th. Which is now only one week away. *Sweat sweat* No pressure! Heh heh heh... We have a week ahead of us.

Well, there you have it. My journal in a nutshell. Now you should go do something exciting, like reading the other Hermana Baer's letter! You'll like it!

Have a great week yinz!

Fogata! Lots of fire!

Sister Bond's favorite costumes (she's excited to see the new movie)

Bishop Amarydakis. The literal coolest

Hard work in the bathroom. Ok, sorry. I couldn't think of a better subtitle for this


Fried octopus is the long pointy one. It was kinda just really chewy. Then again, I did nuke it...

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