Monday, October 9, 2017

Is it a sin to have a Sister pluck an elder's eyebrows?

Oh those elders. We get at least 1 spam/random call a week from them. Pictures of said eyebrow plucking attached. This week was ... good. *shrug* I super love when we get to talk to people and teach them, which happens probably more than we deserve, but as a trainee, there's a lot of time just sitting around studying. For example, on Saturday, we were up and studying at 8:30, and didn't stop studying until 5. I mean, I love learning and all that, but there's only so much I can learn about serving others when I have to stay inside for 5 hours (at least) every day. But it's ok. [Partly because I can't do anything about it, so I might as well learn to love it. }:" That's my loving it face, by the way.] In the talk The Principle of Work, he says “Let us realize that the privilege to work is a gift, that power to work is a blessing, that love of work is success.” So hard work it is!

This week we had Noche de Hispanidad. That was way fun! The Spanish people in this area have roots from all over, so on Saturday everyone came to celebrate and represent their country of origin. We had Brazil, Peru, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Honduras, and a lot from Venezuela. Again, it was so much fun! Pulling up to the building, Hna. Bond warned me that Hispanic Mormon-standard time is way worse than just normal Mormon-standard time. We had to be there an hour early at 6 to set up the American table, she told me to expect others to start showing up at 7:15 to prep. Her jaw dropped when we walked in the cultural hall to find all the booths set up with everyone there and in costume. Goes to show that when there's a party, the Latinos don't dilly dally. (But church did start 10 min. Late on Sunday due to no one being there. Too much partying, I guess.)

We had some good lessons this week too. On Monday we had a good lesson with a family God has prepared. The mom was so excited to watch The Restoration hour-long movie even though it was (at least) 8:30 on a school night. Also, we arrived early to help her cute kids with math. It was crazy! The math assignment was in English, so I'd figure out what it was saying then tell Hna. Bond what to say in Spanish, then the daughter would listen in Spanish and translate it into French for her younger brother. 0.o This amazing young woman was thinking French, speaking Spanish, and writing English. She's amazing.

Oh yeah. So remember last time where I told y'all (or at least Someone) that I probably wouldn't ever be a yellow-shirted angel, well that turned out to be a lie. On Friday, we went and helped Feeding Children Everywhere make care packages for Puerto Rico. We started at 10 and left at 2:30, and in that time, we made 120,000 packages. It was so fun! I'm now a professional box-popper, and I've got the paper cuts to prove it.

Ok, pues, I gotta go, but have a great week, those of you who've made it this far, and while you're at it, have some more, commas, because, of course, commas are the best, and this sentence got way, way, Way off topic.

Hermana Baer

Helping Hands come in bulk. (Everyone got excited when the main group walked in.)

A "panorama" of Noche de Hispanidad

The American booth, which was already set up when we arrived.

The food offered at the US table was rolls, bought in bulk. Yeah. Murica.

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