Tuesday, November 14, 2017

¡Aye Car-umba!

Let's just say, I hate driving. And I thought Logan was bad.

Week 1 of Transfer 2. Driving is hard. Other than that, I can't remember much of this week. We got to watch Screenagers and it was actually pretty interesting. Now I know what to do with my kids and their phone addictions. Yup.

It's kind of nice not to be the greenest in the mission, but now I have to actually know something. Like how to sort meat, which is our 3 hour service every Wednesday.

The best part of this week was when we got to meet with a cute mom, Milagro, and her family. We had knocked on her door once before, but we weren't sure quite where we stood with her. This time, her son recognized her and she invited us right in. Her husband came out and he asked question after question, sorting out all the rumors he had heard. We were glad to answer his questions, and 2 hours later, we walked out, 1 Restoration pamphlet and 1 Book of Mormon lighter. I really think the dad, Gregoriano, will read it! And I've been praying really hard for him, just in case!

We've also been making a piñata for an Elder in our District whose birthday is coming up. It's going to be a soccer ball, and Sis. Bond is super excited.

Yep. A bit of a bland week, but with my bad driving, there was plenty of adrenaline.

Here are some pictures.

We had a Brazilian Barbeque for P-day today. That means Rice, beans, and Picante. It's a really juicy meat from Brazil. So Good!

Our new district with everyone except out District Leader, Elder Dodson, and his companion, Elder Gibson. ROLECALL!: Elder Rocha sitting, Elder Aliff with the meat, Sister Reynolds with the tablet, Sister Hardin in red, and, of course, Sis. Bond in front.

So close, and yet so far.

Well I hope yinz have a good day! [Me'thinks my gmail is down for the day. I hope y'all are still alive!]

Hermana Baer

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