Monday, November 6, 2017

Look what I did to/with my own hand!

To appease a whim, BULLET POINTS!!

-- A BAPTISM! AND I KINDA EVEN HELPED WITH IT! Meaning I would feel comfortable claimng it as my own since their first missionary discussion was my first discussion too! Like, first day, before I unpacked, I met and "taught" this family from Switzerland. Yep. The mom was one......hundred percent amazing and prepared by God. So yes, church is true. I got to watch something amazing happen.

-- Transfers: I will be staying in Windy Ridge and I will be "killing" my trainer, sending her home 5 days before Christmas. I'm pretty excited (partly cause that's all I know) and I think I now know how to make this a better transfer. Starting with my speaking more Spanish. I like what Dad said about what makes a missionary successful: the number of spiritual moments you have with others. I really like that. In a jump that makes perfect sense to me but won't make any sense to y'all, I was explaining to someone the difference between Elders and Sisters (the main difference being that Elders are male and Sisters are female. Also the sacerdocio.) But this guy asks "¿Que significa Elder?" Or, in English, "What does Elder mean?" I promptly responded with a solid O_________o face. So I'd like to pose the question to y'all's: What does it mean to be an Elder, and how does that differ from High Priest? And why are some people Elders and others just Brothers?

And now back to bullet points.
-- I got stung by a bee this Tuesday while trimming mini palm trees. My hand didn't stop swelling for 2 days. It wasn't until about yesterday that I felt it had returned to normal. Here's a pretty nasty photo of it. Nasty mostly because lighting is the least of your worries when your trying to take a picture of your hands. But, fun fact: mini palm trees have long spines that, when the fronds die, get really hard and sharp and pointy and scary. But, on the bright side, I found a lost plant in the palm trees out by the front sign. It had been there for a while so I convinced Hna Bond to let me take it home. It makes my day every time I see it! (It's currently sitting in the bottom of a milk jug. I'll take a picture when I get home :)

-- We saw over 5 police helicopters this week! One was over our apartments when we got home at night. Someone was breaking into cars or something. ... yup. That happened.

-- Umm..... that's all.

Thanks for your love and prayers! Have a good week y'all! Enjoy! Hermana Baer

P.S.Look! I made this with my own hand! The small one while my hand was swollen. And yes, it is the sleeve of an old shirt.
It's a rice bag to be warmed in the microwave. Says Lauren: let's say hypothetically I'm sewing a wheat bag for my companion cuz her little body is generally freezing or slightly broken [mild sprain].

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