Monday, November 20, 2017

Try Everything*

*References this Shakira/Zootopia song.
This week, we had 23 hours of service. Our service was on fire! At one point, Literally! The fire alarm went off at the food bank we serve at, so we had to evacuate the building and stand in the parking lot for a good 15-20 min. while the fire truck came and checked things out. Once we went back in, the alarm kept going off - 1 min on, 1 min off - for 15 min. What fun!

We also went and served at the big Prader-Willie convention on Friday and Saturday. We had to be there at 7:30, which is early even for missionaries. But, we live about 20 min away so this wasn't going to be that tricky. Or so we thought. We get a call from the sisters who are on the bike-week of their car-share transfer (meaning the elders have the car this week, and they'll get the car next week.) asking for a ride so they don't have to bike. We look at where we live. Then we look at where they live. Then we look at where service is. Then we look at how many miles we have left for this month. Then we look deep into our hearts and manage to say yes we'll come get you. Here's a map, for effect.

Yep. They wanted us there at 6:15. Don't do the math on how early you have to wake up at to manage that. It'll make you cry. But we're grateful. 😅

For those of you who don't have Google, Prader-Willie syndrome is a super rare genetic disorder where you just always feel super hungry. Like, starving. Always. And forever. We had to have snack time a lot, but it was sad to see the kids devour the equivalent of one and a half carrots, finely sliced. (think of Fun and Fancy Free: Mickey and the Beanstalk) AND because seeing other people eat makes these kids super anxious, we all ate the same thing, at the same time. OOHH!! It kinda broke my heart. And my reserve of energy. But mostly just my heart. We learned a dance, made wind chimes, made leis, decorated picture frames; It was so fun, and so, as all fun thing are, was not photographed. Yep. You'll have to just use your imagination. Or Google.

It was a really fun week (even though I didn't sleep or eat) and we got to do a lot of service. And that.

Well, have a good week yourselves, and go watch the Elder Ballard and Elder Oaks Face2Face. So funny! Such fire! Much wow! Ciao!

Designated driver! Hide yo' kids, Hide yo' wife!

Why does it always rain when I wear white?

I didn't take a picture, but I got to go into the temple and do Baptisms with Rosalia and Natacha! First time I got to go in!! I'm so excited for the bi-annual temple trip in February! (They went right before I arrived, darn it!)

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