Monday, February 5, 2018

0 __, o ...ok

Wow. What a week. We're gonna bulletpoint this one.

-- Did you know: There are cows in Florida? Here's a picture of a field. I didn't know I missed grass so much! (I forgot to find a field with a cow in it.)

-- Sis. Andrus is the We're both kinda awkward and laugh when we don't know what to do. Needless to say, there's a lot of laughing going on.

-- Sugar ants die when you spray bleach right on them. And it may or may not be super fun!

-- our District leader got a smart phone this week. We're next. The second coming is near.

-- We had a fabulous week when I met LITERALLY none of our investigators. So, that was cool.

-- Turns out having a lesson at Golden Corral was the most awkward thing of my life. The most cringey part is, we think he has some real intent. We'll see him next week. :) So excited.

-- no alligators, but a lot of dogs. In fact, I'm contemplating learning dog so I can preach to all creatures the word of God. One time, we knocked on a door, and 12 dogs answered. #animalfarm

-- Trailer parks are fun!

-- I made cookies using a 2/3 cup measure. Turns out our apartment is only 1 generation from Elders. Sis. Andrus being that 1 generation. 👍

-- Chicken comes in a can. ... And so does dog food.

-- Sis. Andrus has an Achilles heel: she's gluten intolerant. Other than that, she's perfect! (Which probably makes me the lousy companion. Oh well. *munches on bread*(JK!))

-- I managed to lose all of my missionary skills in the move down here. BUT, I'm excited to learn all over again! Also, I've been going through the Book of Mormon and marking all the promised blessings from the Lord for everyone and also for missionaries, specifically. I kinda forgot there are promised blessings for missionaries, and they are cool, if not as numerous as the promised blessings open to everyone if they just repent and keep God's commandments. So do it! Both reading the Book of Mormon looking for blessings and keeping the commandments!

Ok, I'm done. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, quandaries, or extra bags of Cheetos, please mail them to: 300 Treasure Day Dr. Apt #107 Fort Pierce, FL 34947.
Thank you.

My first Trailer park! The sun shone brightly upon us that day.

Ice cream is gluten free. And delicious.

A cow-less field. Sorry everyone. But also... take that Orlando!!

And it is an abomination unto me.

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