Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Pink Elephants

"... oh hi!" (Name that Reference!)

This week. Happened. I think... Sis. Andrus doesn't remember it either... "that's not a good sound..." (NtR!)

We did missionary work. I think. Our Zone is focusing more unity so we made the goal to "Come Together" and memorize the Living Christ. When they first called with the proposition and said "Its alright It's alright It's alright It's OK!" We know this is a lot but "Stay Calm and  Carry On, my Wayward son!" And we were like "As we commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ two millennia ago, we offer our testimony of the reality of his matchless life and the infinite virtue of his great Atoning sacrifice." Yup. Sis. Andrus already knew it. ("I knew it!")

Other great moments for this week:

-- I had my first catfish ("at the codfish ball!")

-- I had a moment where The Impossible Dream came on and Sis. Andrus commented on it being from the Man of La Mancha. I immediately busted a gut as the quote "Look it was my dream and it was impossible, OK!" Clicked in my head.

-- And I got to meet the members down here. We had stake conference last week so I this week was really the first time. They have so much heart, and I even managed to not say Hallelujah at the end of Sis. Gloria's soulful testimony. That was fun! (She definitely testified over the pulpit "This church is the most awesomest church in the universe." I love her!)

To try and save this email from its worldly ways, I'll mention Pamela. She asked for a Book of Mormon online; previous attempts to contact her had not come to fruition, but this time when we dropped by, she was there! ("Rumors of my death have been Highly Exaggerated.") She invited us right in and started talking to us, even though all of her grandkids were there for the 1-year-olds birthday. Her brother moved to Utah and has been a Mormon for 35 years. She got interested and asked him to bring her one, but he said no, she wasn't going to get one that easy. He gave her a link and said she had to go through the system ("We're just tryin' ta break the system!"). He had 2 kids serve missions so he made sure she met with those serving here. Aka ME! She loves God and has a lot of faith. We're super excited to talk to her more, and I hope she can hear God's answer when she prays! ("Pray for her Penny. She's gonna need it!") Also, she's all about respect. ("Find out what it means to me!") Something that's losing value in this world. You could probably say she's "something Amazing, I guess."

Ok, things are going downhill here ("And trip, and trip and trip andtripandtripit!") with all the quotes and worldly references. Good thing I studied Matthew 6:24. Oops. (Mental image of Indiana Jones and the golden boots in Cerebro!! Wheeeee! #mnemonics!)
So, I'm going to "take the trigger off ol' Betsie" and "back-it-up back-it-up back-it-up" now. "See you, on the other side." "For Science. You monster." ("Drive into the river, Bob, oh Drive into the River, BOB!") *insert the Dumbo pink elephants train wreck*


I guess it's not Strawberry Fields forever...

Did you know, that when it snows, my eyes become large.

All the nerdy references are going mad! *bonk*

Don't look now, but I think he's the avatar!  [note the Airbender sticker on the laptop]

Here's a picture of us sitting in Fast and testimony meeting. I'm in sweater town, and Hna. Andrus is hiding in her bed. I love it! (I keep getting this great hold music!)

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