Monday, February 26, 2018

Remember that time. . . .

This was a long week. Roger called on Tuesday and tried to cancel his baptism. 2 hours later, we had calmed him down and put him back on date. That's about ALL that happened. *super delayed thumbs up*

Oh! We also went to Okeechobee! (Transfer dream come true! (For those who don't serve in the Vero Beach Zone, Okeechobee is where the cows live. And also some trailer parks. With a person.)) Also, flea markets are creepy! I stood in the sun for many hours! But got no pics, so...* We handed out FamiƱy search cards. It was

I'll give you the pics I DO have.
There they are. Enjoy them in their full glory. All 2 of them.
We weekly planned for 3.5 hours, 2 days in a row??

This week was mostly a lot of really long, slightly apostate lessons where they just talked the whole time and every 30 min or so we'd interrupt and bring it back to the gospel, where they would promptly run off with it again. l:"
I'm deciding to NOT look back on this week and to move forward with faith.
I know God blessed those in the dry times too. I'm now gonna go look for this well of living water, and take a drink, cuz I'm parched.

Quote time:
-- Remember that time when you scared Elder Larsen and I peed my pants? (Don't worry, I didn't say it.) *
-- I'd like to go with you because I have a small RV
-- The Hobbit should've been a half hour special

Sorry All! Forgive/pray for me! And for Roger to get baptized!! And for our area to get investigators!!

Love y'all!

1. The Taqueria, right before a soul crushing 4 hour service
2. A random ping pong table. It made me laugh.
Oh wait, an update! I convinced the Okeechobee elders to send me some. Enjoy. This one.

[Mom's note: we're still hoping to get pictures. Tune in next week.]

*So there I was.
Every Sunday night we head back in an hour early so as to account with our District leaders (That way, we only get a week's head start to go to Texas!) But at 8:30, aka 30 min late, they still hadn't called, we started wondering. 8:45 we get the briefest of phone calls: our District leader calls telling us his companion slipped a disk and is in the hospital so they won't be calling to account. Sis. Andrus is super worried, but I'm not sure... so I start a puzzle (Neuschwannstein!)

10 min later, something metal hits our glass sliding door. Sis. Andrus was in the bathroom, and I didn't care enough to move so I ignore it. Besides, I'm pretty sure I know what it was. If I'm right, it'll hit again soon. And sure enough, it does. This time, I stop the puzzle and watch as best I can through our broken blinds. Again, suspicion is proved right and a white blog passes by the window.


Hna Andrus and I do what any sane person would do: we hit the lights. Our apartment goes pitch black. We each grab a nerf gun and super slowly approach the sliding door. We try and take a picture (pics or it didn't happen) but because our flash is on, we end up getting only blurry photographic evidence and alert the elders we're not asleep.

Finally, Our district leader - Elder Larson - blatantly walks up to the door. Fatal mistake! I whip back the blinds and after a split second delay, he total jumps out of his skin! We die laughing, and poor Hermana Andrus has to run to save her pants.

Elder Ward was not actually in the Hospital; the whole story backfired on them. And that's why you don't lie to servants of the Lord. Especially when you ARE servants of the Lord.

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