Monday, February 19, 2018

Saturday is a special day

It's the day Jörg Klebingat returns with some friends. More on that later.
What a week! It makes up for all those weeks where you ask "What just happened?*" Please fasten your seatbelts as things get pretty crazy.

Monday: P-day; we drove 2 hours to a different chapel (John Young, if you must know) so we could have a sleep over with the Buena Ventura Hermanas (Hermana Swan and Hermana Robbins -- That's right! You DO know her! See pictures from Mexico in earliest posts). We had Zone Conference the next morning at 8am, and we couldn't be late because:

Tuesday: We got Smartphones! Wut. (Inline image 1) I looked hard for the Second Coming but, no luck. It was a good meeting and I got to see all the peeps from Windy Ridge. But I didn't actually get to go home because we went on:

Wednesday: Exchanges! I went with Sister Padgett and we got to see the ocean, a rare sighting for Hermanas! What a time! I met a lady who's best friend/the missionary that baptised her lived in Smithfield. (Name is John Harold Heaton for anyone who lives in Smithfield) and I also sang in the Spanish choir. Oh Spanish choirs... But I finally got to go home and sleep in my bed, only to wake up to:

Thursday: Ma' 6 month mark! We celebrated by having a day full of knocking! And also, we went for Ice cream and had Gluten free brownies!

Friday: All I remember from Fri is having to wait super restlessly for:

Saturday: A VISIT BY ELDER DOUGLAS B. CARTER, BISHOP GERÁLD CAUSSÉ, ELDER JÖRG KLEBINGAT, AND ELDER GARY E. STEVENSON!!!!!!! [It's over 9000!] I got to shake Elder Stevenson's hand, and true, he definitely said "Elder Bayer?" And I said yes, so, I may or may not have lied to an apostle... But it's OK because Elder Klebingat started his 30 min. By saying "Where did Nephi say liars go? That's right, they are Thrust down to Hell" *smiles!* Wow I love Elder Klebingat. :) I may or may not have had to spend the rest of the day in a car with 4 English sisters, but wow was I spiritually fat from all that feasting.

Sunday: We got torn apart by our investigator in front of the Ward mission leader for a misunderstanding that happened last week. But on the bright side, he's going to get baptised on March 4! Yay! Bringing souls unto God, even if it destroys all of my credibility and dignity!! But we really are super proud of Roger, and we love seeing his super intense love for God. So plz pray for his making it into the font!

Quick spiritual note: Brother of Jared said "God, we need light." God said "Yep. Why don't you devise a means." Brother of Jared thinks for a bit, then comes back with a bunch of rocks. "Now behold, O Lord, and do not be angry with thy servant because of his weakness before thee." Lord, I know you want light and I brought you rocks, but it's the best I got. I know it isn't enough, but please, help.
God: I will make your efforts enough. *touches rocks* Bring God your best. Even if it's salty or burned or lop-sided or the wrong color or too small; bring him your best. And He will make it enough.


Cuban Mexican food with the Hermanas

You Can see the Waves!

I'm slowly getting Hna Andrus hooked on pixy stix

First ocean sighting! What a sunset!

Triple Chocolate for achieving the first 3rd of mission.

Holy English sisters, Batman!

BEACH P-DAY HOY! bet you didn't see that coming!

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