Tuesday, May 15, 2018

A couple thousand words*

[*references "If," by Bread] 

Mother's Day was good! Sorry not all of you could be there, but I'm newsed-out. Here's some photos.

Photos of our area.

Mud ducks. They're so ugly

A bird we saw coming out of our apartment.

The city!

The view of the lake from our apartment. All I see is baby mosquitoes.

Better city!

More of our area.

Mother's Day lunch the priesthood brought in during Relief Society. Wow.

The return of Thlitherz!!

Our Zone. I'm not going to name names unless you bribe me with chocolate.

A cute complex (under construction, of course. Be grateful, those of you living in Utah, that winter breaks up the construction season.) On the way home from service.

My companion wanted in.

Ducklings! Turns out, mud duck ducklings aren't hideous

Plants. I miss em.

Hna Stowell made a bathroom trip, so I thought I had time. Nope. She caught me.

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