Monday, May 21, 2018

Serve Him with all your strength: CHECK!!

H-what a week folks! I'm not even sure what happened there! Let's take a look at the highlight reel!

-- I suffered the consequences of my companion’s goal for submissiveness. We biked all day: through the heat, through the rain, through bugs as thick as the rain (:P) (#Extraprotien!!), through puddles, but, sadly, not through the curb. Let's just say, my bruise is never going to heal! ✌😄✌ (Nixon!!) But we had a great lesson with our investigator Angel! He said "that chapter (meaning 1 Nephi 1) just left me hungry! I wanna keep reading!!" It was awesome! :D

-- One more door: it was about to rain, so we decided to knock one more door. We knock the door, and as it opens, God fulfills his promise in 3 Nephi 24 to "open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it." Blessing meaning rain in this instance. It. Poured. The resident wasn't interested, but he was also 'too kind' to let us leave his porch, so he pulled out chairs and we sat on his porch while he showed us pictures of Idaho and Arizona (he deleted his pictures of UT |:" ), getting soaked slowly by the mist instead of quickly by the rain.

 -- We had an awesome lesson with Dantiza! She's crazy busy and life's hitting her hard, so we introduced the Book of Mormon, and before we could offer it to her, she was asking if she could have it! SHOCKED!! Then we were trying to commit her to read every day, and I had just started saying "We understand that life is super crazy right now, but--" when she interrupts with "Well, He gives me all of His time, I can give Him some of mine." *smiles* DOUBLE SHOCKED!! I'm pretty sure I staggered out of that lesson.

-- We then moved Angel out of his house. The elders packed up everything in the Apartment, my companion made sure it all fit in the truck, and I carried things between them. Let it be known that Angel lives on the 3rd floor. #Legday!!

And there it is, Folks! What a shocking play! Who would've seen the extra 4 hours of service and no new investigators move coming?

... ANYWAYS...



Moving day! My companion "after" the rain... (#sweatnotrain)

While moving, we were watching the little ducklings (patitos!!) And we noticed how there were 4 of them and for of us. We then watched a hawk swoop down and snatch up a patito. Now there are only 3. Super traumatizing.

A lot of rain and no submissiveness.

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