Saturday, September 1, 2018

Groundhog Day

27 August 2018

And he's seen his shadow! It's 6 more weeks of Winter! Or rather Summer. Or RATHER, Semoran.
Yup. I'm staying, and the even weirder news is that so is Hna Robbins. 0.o

Um.... Stuff happened this week, but I'm just going to skip to my favorite part: Sunday.
The Young Women and us gave a pretty good musical number, and also,
The Parra family! The Albarracin family! Oscar! Angel (But not the investigator, the recent convert), Regla, the Orta family, and - probably only slightly best of all - Lorean!!! I've met with her weekly for 4 1/2 months! BUT YESTERDAY WAS THE DAY!! She came!! I cried! It was so good:))))))))

Also, we've spent every spare minute of this last week making a gift for Oscar. We gave it to him in Sunday School (cuz who even knows what's happening in there!) He loved it! ("Hermana, are you bringing cigarettes to church?!?")

That's all.
I read a really good talk called "The Atonement" from President Russell M. Nelson. But, many moons ago. Many.

Let's go for some pictures.
My district. We all speak Spanish; we're the only "Only Spanish" district in the mission. :)

He was playing basketball and texting. It made me larf. Sorry, back to focused pictures.

The gift for Oscar. He definitely carried around for the rest of church. Maybe slightly apostate.

ERMERGERSH! Sorry... I thought there was more. But I still love you. Y'all. Vosotros... awkward...

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