Thursday, September 20, 2018

Never Were There Such Devoted Sisters

 There we were. Waiting for a member ride to church. (Because we share the car with the elders and they have it for Sunday. Hna Robbins refuses to bike to church *sarcastic shruggy eye roll*) It just came to me. Just popped right on in there. I may have hummed. Then, she may have sang. And to make a long story short, we both had a lot more memorized than we thought. And we can harmonize. 😀 *face palm*

Anyways, we had quite a few member lessons. One of which was SO inspired! She couldn't stop talking but just kept saying all the right things!

Also, in our lesson with Lorean, she felt like she just hadn't developed enough of a relationship with God to be baptized. We'll be staying close in case she needs us, but, with help from the spirit, we decided to stop teaching her. That was really sad:( But we're glad she wants to get to know God better, and in the long run, this will be really good. It's gunna be ok... *faith!

And because I can't think of anything else, I'll not be dedicating the rest of this email to my mom. Because I've hit that point in the mission that I'm sure she's the only one still reading this. :D
Mom, you'll be glad to hear that I ALMOST made my goal of taking a picture every day. I think I got 6 if the 7. Now, there's no quality to this "quantity," but... that wasn't part of the goal. Baby steps.

And now to your questions.

> I'm not close to the hillbilly at all. The city is pretty diversified and it's rare to find anyone (who will talk to us) that's a native Floridian. They're all from Venezuela. Or Puerto Rico. Yep. We hermanas just aren't around enough southerners for me to really integrate the "finna"s or the "sure nuf"s or the rest of it into my vocabulary. But the Bumby ward, who shares a building with us, is littered with accents. It's awesome!

> I can tell you right now I don't miss the 1 floor houses and shoulder-less roads. But I do love how hard they try to keep all the beautiful greenery where it's supposed to be. The lawn guys come around 2 times a week. And there are lilac and magnolia trees everywhere. It's still fun to see turtles everywhere, and the squirrels and lizards seem to only grow in number.

> I did NOT die in the hurricane. Surprise. Frankly... we've been warned on hurricane safety, but haven't heard anything about any near Florida. One hit up north, like Virginia, right?

> Training probability: So we know that between the time Hna Robbins, Stowell (who's only 1 behind us) and I go home, there will be 2 Hermanas. We've been working out Transfer Predictions, and we can't find an unakward way for me tot train. So... who knows at this point.

> As for the temple: We're allowed to go as a mission 2 times a year; every September and... March I think. Hna Robbins and I nailed it: we'll officially have the least amount of temple trips possible for a missionary in our mission as we just missed the one in September as we were in the MTC. And in Provo, you can go every P-day. Mexico you have 2 assigned days, and ours were the first 2 P-days available. BUT! You're correct, and I am grateful we have a temple and can go. Also, if a recent convert goes within 30 days or for their endowments, we can go with them. :)

I forgot the rest of the questions you asked, so if I didn't get any, remind me next week and I'll get'em then.
Until then, I'm finna Dipiar!! (The elders told us that was a word, but... I think I don't believe them...)


Dinner with a member on his car. Don't look at the clock!

Oh yeah! Zone Conference was this week. There's the rest of the half of the mission, and then Hna Robbins glowing with the spirit.

We were looking for a members house and... We missed. But now we know their neighbors!!

There was a frog! In an earlier photo he had just jumped into the bushes, so he’s not actually there, but if you squint really hard on this one, you can see him!

This was my best one. We've been memorizing the Living Christ in Spanish and I can tell every time she reviews it while we bike cuz when I look in my rearview mirror, she's just a speck. So I went around a corner but wanted to be obedient with sight and sound so I waited. And I used my time wisely. I'm sure she's grateful!

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