Saturday, September 15, 2018

Nosotros Soy Uno

10 September 2018

So, there's this thing called Safeguards Against Technology. In it, there are some good points on how to use your technology unsinfully. One of them is Be One, saying that if you have a really good relationship with your companion, you won't be tempted to be doing weird things on your tablet (like try and download Nephi's Adventure). So, Comp Unity is something you strive for as a missionary. In Spanish, it's called Sea Uno. And let me tell you, buddy. WE HAVE ACHIEVED SEA UNO!! NOSOTROS SOY UNO! We just found ourselves saying the same things at the exact same time. We even read Presidents email at the same rate and made the same comments on the same part of the email at the same time. Pls. Send Halp!
But on other news mom, I made a goal to take a picture every day this week! So, I will send you the one picture I remembered to take😅 Sorry. We'll try again next week.

But this week was super great! With the temple on Friday and a good ZTM on Wednesday, we received a lot of answers to personal questions! Personal revolution at its finest! But we had a bit of a crazy Saturday and were booked, running (or rather biking:) as fast as we could from appointment to appointment. In the moment, it was rul crazy but reflecting back on all of it, it was really touching and inspiring to see the change that took place between when we got there and when we left. It's almost like we're helping people here...

Our Sunday was so almost as crazy, but we did our very best to serve ward council, members and nonmembers alike! We had about 45 min. to pull a musical number together. So, dad, as much as I would've liked swordfighting lessons, the piano lessons DID ACTUALLY pay off. I've played for a couple sacrament meetings and quite a few musical numbers (especially since Hna Robbins' talent of singing is one that is often asked for.) But it was really on Sunday that "things get... a-complicated". Saturday morning, we were nowhere close to meeting our key indicator goals. By Saturday night, we had reached 2 of the 4, and by Sunday night (due to a miraculous phone call from Oscar who asked when he could get baptized 0_o) we had not only reached all of our goals, but exceeded our finding goal, the hardest one! It was a fabulous testimony booster that this is the Lord's work, that He'll get it done no matter what, and that if we do the very best we can, He'll let us be worked through to touch others’ lives. We can see some of the glory, too. Wow. God's so cool!

On Sunday, we had a cool moment where Lorean, who is hopefully getting baptized next Saturday (prayers please!!), called with a lot of questions and worries. Now, whenever you're worried, you take it to the Book of Mormon, so we read with her where she was at: 2 Nephi 3. And wowser!!! All of her questions got answer, and we all felt better!
The Book of Mormon is God's word.
Read it!

Also, to end on a less cool spiritual moment, the other week in church, they announced over the pulpit that they're making a "Book of Mormon: The Movie" and they were looking for anyone who wanted to try out to be in it. As a Lamanite. I larfed as reverently as I could.

Anyways, watch for that soon! (And for all of the Spanish ward in the background! Including me;)

Ciao ciao all!

Hna Baer

Us having dinner without a (sick) member.


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