Monday, September 4, 2017

30 August 2017 - Semana 2: Keep Delivering Flyers Tumbleweed!! *

* this post title refers to a cute Canadian educational short featuring a hamster named Tumbleweed.
Hola all!

First of all, my last letter was a bit of a downer. So sorry; I ran out of time. We're doing things better this week.

Last week's P-day was pretty hectic. Not only was it our first, but we also got to go to the Mexico City Temple.

We're going again this week and this time should be our last. The Temple is SUPER pretty. The sessions are a lot like the Logan Temple, but the curtain under the screen opens up into the telestial world. (So only 1 room, not 2) It's also probably my favorite celestial room; but maybe that's because at the time I was super proud I made it through in Spanish! It was super fun last time and I'm grateful to have the chance to go again (especially because they have escalators!! Jealous!), but we only get to go twice during our MTC experience, and It would've been nice to go when I have a better chance of understanding what they were saying. (That and it takes all P-day. I wonder what a normal P-day is like...) *

Life is still really long, but I THINK the days are going by faster than the first two did. It's fun to see Elder Larkin in the cafeteria, and Noelle still comes and asks for my charger at night. Noelle's doing much better, B the Dubs. After the first week and the traumas that come with it (such as S.T. Syndrome which Noelle definitely suffered from), she's been doing really well. Everyone in her district is super impressed by how good her Spanish is, and she's rubbed off so much on her companion that now they can both do the "double chin grin." I'll let you figure that one out for yourself. :))

Now for some questions. I'll answer one, then I get to ask a lot. Seems fair.

1. Food's fun. Costco only pops up 1 in 5 meals. There are some days when I'm grateful for it and
days I'm not. There are also some days where I'm grateful for the lump of 'Carne' they give us. And then there are days where I think of Being Safe while eating; where I can't recall the taste of strawberries. But at least they almost always have watermelon and grapefruit soda!!

2. Are you seeing any of the pictures I take? Have you seen the Mexico temple? If not, let me know what I need to do.

3. Dad, which Sibelius symphony was the history of the world? 2 in D? Can you either do some research on that and send me what all the phrases mean or just have Bishop Beazer send his notes to me? And if it's not 2 in D, will you send me the actual one?

4. How's school!?! Suckers! Now you know exactly how I feel every day!! But my school starts at 6:30, ends at 9:00, and is in Spanish. :P

Um, I didn't read enough of your emails to answer any more questions so Now's the time to send them! I can read them every other Wednesday between 6:30 and 6:45 am. Anyways, have fun y'alls.

Hermana Baer the younger

Mexico City Temple

Hermana Robbins and Hermana Baer on the temple grounds

Views from the Mexico City MTC. (It's the rainy season.)

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