Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Two by two, with tags of blue

Lauren's and Noelle's tags
-Blue signifies the last week at the CCM.

Hola Todos!!

Story: I was in line at the "Tienda" with some Choco-rita's when I look up to see Elder [Payton] Larkin grabbing as many snacks as he could. The conversation went something like this:
Me: When do you leave??
Him: 30 Min!! (grabbing more soda)

Yup. He's pretty cool. The lady at the register counted down as he ran back and forth, grabbing more granola bars and skittles. I hope things go well for him.

Because of the earthquake, which felt kinda like a fat guy was jumping up and down right behind you in a portable, a lot of the incoming planes with incoming missionaries were diverted. 21 of them were at the Texas airport, and 4 of them had to spend the night Leons. A bunch of them were just sent back to Provo. They won't even see Mexico! That helped put my life in perspective: as hard as all of this is, it could be worse; It could be Provo.

Sorry, but things are gunna be scatter-brained. cuz I took a nap.

We had to pack and weigh our luggage today. Ricardo and Monty [the names of her suitcases] did a much better job of staying beneath the weight limit than I did. I'm fat. Also, I forgot to weigh all the Spanish books they gave me. l:{  But I might just use my carry-on as a checked bag, and get 25 more pounds of weight. (Not that I need it, heh heh heh.)
It's weird to think that I'll be leaving soon, but I have been here for a long time. I can't recall the taste of Strawberries anymore. [from Lord of the Rings]

I got to talk in church this Sunday. In case you didn't know, sacrament meeting is entirely in Spanish. Mostly I got up there and was so sweaty and nervous the congregation just laughed at me. What a good time! In all honesty, I was able to crack a joke (I even did it in front of the Presidente. Oops) and it went pretty well, until I biffed it in the end. "En el nombre del Espiritu Santo, wait, DANG IT!!" What a good memory.

For the Tuesday devo[tional], Hermana Robbins and I performed a song. Meaning she sang like an opera star and I watched the angels play the piano through my hands. There was definitely a lot of help for that because from the piano, I could barely hear her. But things went pretty well, and after a good talk from Elder (Presidente?) Cook, everyone came out of there glowing with the spirit.

Let me tell you a bit about Hermana Robbins. She's from Cottonwood Heights, or SLC area. She went to a performing arts school and can sing like an opera star. Unfortunately, she likes country music and will only sing hymns or country. Too bad. She'd probably be really good at Queen of the Night. She's planning on "a bachelor of interdisciplinary studies with an emphasis in equine studies, psychology, and outdoor recreation." In my words, she wants to fix broken and hurting kids with horses. That's pretty cool. She LOVES horses, and, thanks to her B personality (Someday I'll find a C person like me!) she can tell you all you want and more about them. [personality types explained]

Spiritual thought: I really liked President Monson's talk about hidden wedges. I thought that was really good. I also found a talk by a young Elder Hales. I loved this quote: "President Kimball told the General Authorities, “I am not afraid of death. What I am afraid of is that I will meet the Savior and he will say, ‘You could have done better.’”

Can you feel the dedication and urgency of a prophet’s voice to move the kingdom forward? “Are you tired, Elder Hales?” has a way of ringing in my ears when I rest for a moment. If we knew what President Kimball knows, then we, too, would work with all our heart, might, mind, and strength. "When we tried to save his strength, he’d say, “I know you are trying to save me. But I don’t want to be saved; I want to be exalted.” He then would tell us that the Lord would sustain him as the prophet, and we should not slow the Church down because of him."

I love Prophets! Can't wait for General Conference Next week! Ok, this time, I'm really going.

Thanks!! Have fun, vosotros!!

Hermana Robbins and an interesting tree

Taken 14 September 2017 -- Thanks to the Mexico MTC Facebook page.

Where are the mountains?

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