Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Touch Down!

And we're good! We made it through the Mexico Terminal and through a much more difficult American Terminal. I got the window seat and spent the time "studying." I saw a cruiseliner, a lot of strange golden veins in the water, and what I think was an Aircraft carrier. What a good study period!

Elder Fox finished the Book of Mormon for the first time in the terminal! We're so proud! Also, we met two Latter-day Saints in the Mexico city airport. They posted stuff on Facebook, for those of you who can access this so-called "Internet."

B the Dubs: this is our P-day; you'll see me, or at least the remains of me, in 1 week! Love y'all!!


(PS: Before we arrived, there were 29 Spanish missionaries here. Now there are 37! That's... still less than I was expecting, but now it's a much bigger number!!)

MTC District and Maestros

Hermana Baer, Maestra ___, Hermana Ellis, Mexico MTC

Lauren and Noelle - last day together, Mexico MTC

Cousins: Lauren Baer, Noelle Baer, Stephanie Sorensen (California Riverside Mission)

Streets of Mexico City

at Aeropuerto Internacional Benito Juárez, Mexico City

over the Gulf of Mexico

Orlando, Florida, USA

Touch down!

B the dubs: We made it. 'Murica's pretty beautiful. Even Florida
[Translation from Laurenese: B the dubs(w) = By the way; Murica = America]

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