Tuesday, September 19, 2017

. . . I'm Still Okay!!!

Another earthquake, about 1 hour after the drill. 7.1, about 70 miles away. The damage is much worse than the last time because the epicenter was in on land (and not in the ocean). But we were looking at the map, and around our area, the earthquake was only a 4-ish. We were in the middle of lunch, and the floor started wobbling. By the time we actually made it outside, it was over. It was pretty fun though. "Whee!! Oh, ok..... It's over now." (Probably shouldn't say that because there are ambulance sirens all around.)

ANY-WHOO... yup, still not dead. Angels are all around. Fun times.
Wookie, times up. BYYEEE!!

This photo from the Mexico MTC Facebook page.

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